Publius in Extremis

The ability to own firearms is a civil right. Just because you do not like that, does not make the Second Amendment, much less all the State Constitutions that spell out such a right in more explicit terms, exist any less. Guns haven’t had a devastating effect on the African American community. Poverty, drugs, and

Newsflash: All companies that put on Pride month campaigns are only doing it to sell you shit. None of them give an actual fuck one way or the other beyond what will engender good will and make them more money. If the US were a country that wasn’t broadly tolerant of gay people, there’s no way you’d see any of this

Mueller can’t “nail” Trump on anything, that’s literally the problem. The biggest takeaway from the whole investigation should be that no matter what crimes the President might have committed, the Justice Department has no standing to indict a sitting president. That’s literally what Congress is supposed to bring

Prepare to be underwhelmed and for Mueller to basically say a bunch of times, perhaps in different ways, the same thing: Read the report.

I guess my question then, is political machinations aside, would it still be practical to handle these asylum cases in the same manner as previously, especially with regard to unaccompanied minors (I’m not talking about the kids that were separated, that should’ve never happened regardless)? It sounds like there’s a

I’m not in favor of putting kids in cages, but seriously, how would you handle it differently?

That’s not really an effective or realistic solution either.

Because if the problem has gotten so bad that you have an entire generation of people who are buried under a mountain of debt, and the next generation looks to have just as bleak of prospects, I can at least see the side of the argument that a one time correction is necessary, provided that measures are taken to

There’s only one way I’m for this, and it’s if they do this and then immediately after restrict student loans OR make them dischargeable in bankruptcy going forward. Colleges have used the predatory nature of the student loan system to drive up costs without making sure students are getting an equivalent value, all

There was a big pool of contenders on the right, but not on the left. On the left you had Clinton, Martin O’Malley for about 5 minutes, and Sanders. If you want to count the guys who withdrew before any primaries, there were 3 more. The only people that ever presumed anyone besides Hillary would be the nominee were

The only reason they want him to testify is because they want him to explicitly say what he took 400+ pages to say in a roundabout manner: The President probably did crimes, but the DOJ is not able to indict a sitting president, so it falls on Congress to impeach and make that determination.

The number of people trying to rationalize away Kavanaugh not only being on the correct side of the verdict but giving the majority opinion as some sort of conservative psy-op is... well, interesting to say the least.

I mean, he didn’t vote the way everyone thought he would in Gamble v. US, so what makes anyone think he’s automatically going to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade? Especially after a case like the Flowers one.

I mean, aren’t those two reasons the bulk of human exploration on our own planet?

Mass Effect with ME3's combat system would be WAAAY better. Would finally be worth it to play as anything besides a soldier except for narrative purposes.

Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!

What’s really sad to me is that there isn’t a single Democratic candidate out of the what, 20+ currently out there right now, that actually has a sane view on guns that reflects the reality of the situation. This may come as a shock to a lot of people but after listening to Andrew Yang, I get where he’s coming from on

When Trump has Twitter, the entire media apparatus, and the resources of the White House propaganda machine at his disposal, I fully expect him to run his campaign this time even cheaper than he did before! You just know he’s going to bilk the American taxpayer for every cent he can, whether it’s legal or not.

Except that so-called partisan 5-4 court just voted in a pretty non-partisan way, 7-2 (Gorsuch and Ginsberg were the dissenters) on what was billed as one of the most important cases for a post-Trump world, Gamble v US. And they voted to uphold the separate sovereignty exception to double jeopardy! Which is the exact

Ok great, both parties are the same then. Totally no differences between them. Jesus. It’s like you think they have to have a position on everything under the sun to be able to arrange themselves against one another. Propping up untenable positions that nobody anywhere is taking makes for a good strawman though.