Publius in Extremis

Where’s the article on the Supreme Court’s decision today to uphold separate sovereigns in double jeopardy cases, where the only dissenters were Gorsuch and Ginsberg? You’d think we’d be celebrating that as a victory that even if the Feds can’t convict Trump when he leaves office, the State of New York can still

You seem to be confusing being in opposition of each other for whether or not either party maintains the same policy positions. I’m saying the actual policy positions mean very little so long as there will always be one party for and one party against. If one party came out in favor of cats tomorrow, the other would

Then if what you say is true, again, you should agree with what Biden said and start the revolution now. If Republicans are intractable and will do whatever is necessary to remain in power then the democratic process has already failed. If it’s really as bad as you say, you’re not solving that at the ballot box.

We have a two party duopoly in this country and first past the post voting. As long as that is the case, power will inevitably pass hands back and forth between the two at some point. Where do you get the idea that that isn’t true? It’s only born out by the entire electoral history of everywhere in the United States.

Except all your “fixes” would only serve to put the people you like in charge for a time, and then when power inevitably swings back the other direction, they’ll either undo what you did or, push it even further. So you expand the Supreme court to 15, next time Republicans take power they push it to 21, and it never

If this is the best Democrats can come up with, I suggest everyone figure out how they’re going to survive Trump’s second term. They’re so used to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory that they’re getting a head start on it now.

Glad to hear you hate the progressive identity movement folks.

Your last sentence is really important. When you’ve decided you hate the other side more than anything, reality no longer matters.

If no one could afford to live there, nobody would be paying rent. Which means the people running these rental properties wouldn’t make any money and would go under. Which then means someone else would come in, buy those properties at a likely discounted rate, and be able to rent them cheaper so as to actually make

We’ve tried government run housing in the US. I believe they were called “the projects”. I’ll leave you to decide how successful such efforts were in the long term. We also have a thing called Section 8 housing assistance in this country. If you know anyone who has ever gotten Section 8 assistance, you would know that

He’s not wrong. Twitter SJW’s and bloggers might be loud, but spend a month talking to people outside of NYC and you’ll quickly find that the majority of people, moreover the majority of people that actually vote, are much more moderate than a wet behind the ears child blogger can comprehend.

A point that most people miss about tariffs is that they assume there’s some equivalent American good that were it not for cheap imports, we’d all buy. That may be true for some things, but not all. It’s not as if you put an import on cheaper Mexican clothing (which I think a lot of that has shifted to Asia already)


Let’s be real. If you’re not getting a W2 or a 1099 or something to that effect, who’s actually reporting that income? Now, if people feel extra guilty about all their side hustle cash income, you could always amend your return to include that extra money I suppose.

It’s actually even more ridiculous than that. The IRS already gets the vast majority of the info it needs to calculate your taxes from your employer. You shouldn’t need to file anything at all unless you’re taking further deductions that they can’t account for (charitable donations, for example). They should send you

I know you’re not expecting people to actually read the article you linked that you take issue with, but it does actually make some good points, even if it does so in a poor way. Namely, that expecting the Supreme Court to solve all our woes makes people apathetic with regard to civil engagement, and that allowing

Will they though? Fellow reader, they will not.

What are you personally willing to give up to “spread the wealth”, and why aren’t you already?

What you should’ve said is, it isn’t the most important issue in this country. Global climate change inaction is a real problem, but so long as China and the developing world keeps polluting orders of magnitude more than us, it won’t move the needle much overall even if we do nothing but hold course.

Wrong on both counts, actually. Police officers have no duty to protect you according to the Supreme Court, and bystanders actually can be charged for not providing aid when able in states that have duty to rescue/help laws.