Publius in Extremis

That’s actually not true. The Supreme Court has upheld that at no time is any law enforcement officer required to put their lives in danger to protect any citizen. If someone walks down the main street of Mayberry shooting everyone, Sheriff Andy and Deputy Fife have zero obligation to come out and start trading shots

The whole thing with the Parkland officer who was charged is a dog and pony show. It would overrule years of precedent if they suddenly decided that cops have a duty to act. There’s this myth that cops have to protect you in the event of violence. The truth is they have no such obligation whatsoever. The only thing

There’s already schools across the US where this is a regular thing, so... clearly it’s not insurmountable.

I don’t think the left does a good job of confronting itself at all. It might even be worse than the right at doing so. In practice the right might not do a very good job of it, but at least it’s easy to see when someone on the right goes too far. Racists are obviously too far, sexists are too far, homophobes are too

Even if I believed that, how do you solve that problem then? Get rid of corporations? There’s a whole bunch of failed experiments and dead bodies in the 20th century that show how that doesn’t work.

I’ve never said any of those things. I’m against the continuing militarization of police and the never ending foreign wars of intervention. I’m for the decriminalization and legalization of any thing or act that does not result in a victim, such as drug use or voluntary prostitution. I’m against crony capitalism. I’m

Lol because the left is so much better when they have unopposed power. The Committee of Public Safety would like a word with you. 

The only logical reason why I can come up with is the likelihood that a person is able to make good on their threat. Someone threatening their ex on Facebook is probably much more willing and able to carry out their threat, or implied threat, than saying that they wish Trump or Tlaib was dead. I know I’d be much more

It is interesting isn’t it, when people say something like “government should pass a law”, they almost always mean that they should make something illegal for others to do, rather than make laws that restrict what government can prohibit us from doing?

Eh, I don’t need her to dump her mailbag out on the table and read off every death threat or wish for death she gets, you get the idea. It’s still a pretty shitty thing to do to someone. I’d also say there’s a difference between wishing Trump would keel over on a snarky liberal blog comment section, and mailing him a

I may not agree with her politics, but if you send someone a death threat, you’re scum. Period. She shouldn’t have to deal with that just because she’s in the public eye, and the kind of people that wish death upon another deserve whatever punishment is deemed appropriate.

Gee, it’s almost as if those of us saying government should have less power actually have a point.

It’s not Wyoming’s fault they capped the number of House reps though. 

Point out where I said I was upset he’s getting called out for it. I’ll save you the time, you can’t. Doesn’t make him being a shitty person misogynistic though. Just makes him a shitty person, like most politicians. Shocking, I know. It would also be a complete non-story if the mayor he went off on were a man.

Men aren’t allowed to ever be angry or confrontational toward women for any reason ever, because equality.

Can’t have it both ways brah. Either women are equal to men in every way which means sometimes people are gonna be shitty to you, or women are more sensitive and need to be protected and treated as demure and vulnerable beings. Which is it? Given your attitude and general aggressiveness, I suspect your normal behavior

Most people in government are there to serve society...

Generally speaking, it’s poor decorum to yell fuck you to anyone you’re having a professional meeting with. But yelling, being profane, and pounding your fists isn’t necessarily misogynistic. Would you be more or less upset if he’d been patronizing and treated her like a delicate flower?

Gee, you sound like one of the unstable gun owners the rest of your side is always talking about. Hope they’ve got red flag laws where you live.

Hah, “journalist”. They’re journalists when they want access or respect, they’re just bloggers when anyone is critical of anything they do.