Publius in Extremis

As I understand it, part of the issue is that there’s no genetic markers we know of that differentiate any of the Native, Central, or South American tribes from one another. If they accepted DNA evidence alone it would basically mean that anyone with DNA from the North or South American native populations would

I actually like the idea of publicly financed campaigns as a partial fix, but I’m not sure how you’d stop all the PACs and Super PACs from still spending money for their preferred candidates since we’ve decided that money is speech essentially.

Oh, I agree. Whether you see North Korea as a rational actor or an irrational one, there’s not much incentive for them, or rather for Kim Jong Un in particular, to give up nukes at this point.

I don’t disagree, but my point was that either way, the outcome ends up being effectively the same.

This is all pretty par for the course as far as North Korea goes. Act like you want to negotiate in good faith, make unreasonable demands, lash out, make people suffer, then loop back to the beginning. This was all about Kim Jong Un getting stuff he wants, it was never about denuclearization. Same as it ever was. The

It’s more plausible of a solution than raising our gas tax by 45 cents. We’ve been pumping billions into state coffers for years only to see the roads get worse only to be told each time that they need more money to do it properly, and there’s plenty of places they could stop spending money that would cover what she

Libby, if you’re not a coward and a hypocrite, you’ll quit your job and go move to the countryside and subsist off the land. It’s the only way you won’t be exploiting anyone else. Otherwise you’re only contributing to the suffering of others.

Yeah... I have a hard time believing that the famous conservative Jew lead him down the path to painting swastikas on synagogues. It sounds like someone (his or her lawyer) maybe suggested a name to say, in case Breitbart wasn’t enough. And if you’ve ever actually listened to Shapiro talk, who’s getting radicalized by

The only thing the far right and far left have in common is they’ve both discovered that identity politics really fucking work for getting people riled up about something. Identitarians can suck my balls.

They will never ban Trump so long as he’s President, and maybe not even after. The shitstorm they’d endure for being seen as censoring a major political and media figure, not to mention the legal challenges, would not be worth it.

Yeah it’s a neat bit of revisionist history owed to the fact that the Ecuadorian government didn’t get tired of Assange before Obama left office. They would have assuredly prosecuted him if they had the chance.

I mean, the simplest answer is that they didn’t intentionally cover it up, they just didn’t give a shit, or at least didn’t think anyone would notice when they didn’t say anything. Assuming the latter is true, they were right, for a few months at least.

Funny. I also have a political science degree and I can’t for the life of me understand your position. You could just as easily apply your analysis of libertarianism to conservatives or liberals, to quote: “...incoherent primarily because the people self-identifying with the term have a wide variety of core issues and

I still can’t get over the hubris of their statement. Basically if they can’t pay him to represent their interests over literally everyone else that lives in their district, they’re going to take their ball and go home.

Yeah, all those people incoherently asking for less government power and more personal freedom.

As someone who lives in his district, I don’t think this will hurt him as much as Trump supporters want people to think it will. This is a guy that routinely explains every single vote he makes, has only missed one vote ever and it was ironically because he was being interviewed about that fact, and has regularly held

What’s funny is that Democrats don’t seem to realize that the only thing this would do is allow a popular Republican to fuck them over and override their votes. If this ever comes to pass, I can’t wait for the first time that happens and we get complaints of “Well the Democrat technically won the Electoral College, so

I hope you appreciate the irony of implying that the majority of the media isn’t liberal on what is a decidedly liberal “news” blog.

They do if a swallow carries them.