Publius in Extremis

There’s a corollary among pharmacists too in that same regard. They’re generally the most educated person wherever they’re working (outside of a hospital pharmacy, naturally), but goddamn are they some of the most arrogant and ignorant people I’ve ever dealt with. 

Everyone in the Trump administration is a shining example of why we need less fucking government agencies and less Executive power, not more.

There are lots of conservative bits and pieces around Grand Rapids and all the old money is obviously Republican, but the city itself is pretty liberal comparatively. It might not be, like, Detroit or Ann Arbor liberal, but compared to the rest of West Michigan, it might as well be.

The fact that selling single cigarettes is a crime in the first place, let alone a crime that police officers can attempt to arrest you for and end up choking you to death, is a travesty. This is what happens when you give government too much power.

I think you could make a case that FDR exerted a lot of power, possibly even too much power in some instances. Whether it was for good or bad is, I think beside the point. But overall, have they had so much power in this country so as to destabilize things to a point of no return? No, I’d say such a condition has

An unfortunate truth is that you cannot manufacture a functional society that does not have inequality. It’s impossible. When you start attempting to enforce equality of outcome, you don’t raise everyone up, you shove everyone not in charge down to the very bottom. Every society that has tried to push equality of

Lenin was not above some good old fashioned class-based murder either. The idea proffered by some apologists that the Soviet Union would’ve been kinder and gentler had Vladimir not stroked out is a fantasy not based in what actually happened. He’s directly responsible for the establishment of the gulag system. The

Don’t forget YouTube and Twitch streamers. Basically though if your job isn’t playing this game, sounds like you might as well forget about doing the raid for now.

It’s pretty easy to set up matchmaking for this: Matchmaking lobbies. You can even use the same basic interface they already have for the clan search. Mic preference, language, even specify minimum gear score if you need to. If people want to attempt it without being on mic though, let them. Everyone knows what

No you’re totally right, having matchmaking be this clunky thing you do outside the game is totally the better way to do it. Oh wait, no, no it’s not. Everything you can do on a companion app or Discord is something you should be able to do in-game. You’re letting the game devs off the hook for not being smart enough

Man, you’re awful pissy about something that should literally be part of a game. Do you work for Bungie or something?

Which, again, if I am a random, and only find other randoms, I am in the same spot. I’m stuck with either the hope of getting dragged through content by people better than me, or the possibility of trying and failing. So why not give me the option? You lose nothing by allowing matchmaking AND people still having 3rd

He truly showed every man, woman, and child in America that they too, are qualified to be President.

Division 2 players: We want to be able to in-game matchmake for the raid with random players, like we can with every other activity in the game.

Having to go outside the game to find people when the game already has the ability to matchmake is dumb. It will always be dumb. It’s just matchmaking with randoms, with extra steps!

Because we are committed to the truth above all else here at Splinter

Aside from the fact that no one has a “right” to a visa to enter the country, fuck right off for insinuating that I agree with the position they took in denying her an entry visa. My entire point was we can speculate until the sun explodes over why she was denied entry. Unless someone in State spills the beans, we

I mean, all the contemporary source material from before, during, and immediately after the time period in which the Bill of Rights was written where the phrase “well regulated” is used tends to agree with me and not you, but if you want to stubbornly cling to the idea that they enshrined a right to own guns but only

Yes, the NRA supported a bad bill that has had lasting negative effects on California and beyond because they were scared of angry black people. And that has what to do with what I said, exactly? Had I been alive back then, I would’ve been as against that position and any other position that would seek to

Well-regulated meaning controlled in that context has been debunked so many times that I’m getting sick of repeating it. Given that the militias were expected to provide their own weapons, and that regulated in the late 1700's was used to mean in good working order, like a well regulated clock, well regulated means