
There are four possible solutions to the red/green ballbag problem :

Is this real or is it an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

With Marissa at the helm, probably 11.

Because Luke, being Vader’s son, has the best chance of getting close enough to kill him, which was all Obi Wan and Yoda were trying to accomplish with Luke. Every interaction they had with Luke was manipulating him to get him to murder his father for them.

“It was, in my view, worth it.”

At the time, people probably figured it was an honorary title, like “Lord of the Dance”.

Kudos on finding a photo of pasta that looks like a butthole.

Gotta feed the Hulkster.

I assume the knife is for pencil sharpening rather than hobo-stabbing.

Chicken nuggets is entirely appropriate.

“young, white married men who are worried that the presence of women in their small teams could create complications in their home life, sexual harassment or affairs”

It’s time for us to stop supporting politicians who shamelessly use terror attacks as an excuse to fuel their pre-existing desires to legislate away our liberties and create a totalitarian state apparatus that benefits their wealthy donors at the expense of the average citizen.


Company holiday parties can really spiral out of control.

So she is, like her right-wing religious fanatic followers, an enabler and apologist for terrorism. Her rhetoric is encouraging further terror attacks and she should be considered an accomplice if more terror attacks ensue.

“Basing this opinion on reading Tom Clancy novels and armchair diplomacy”

I was about to say, “Wow, what horrible timing.”

His elementary school teacher, when asked for comment, said, “Wah wah. Wah Wah wah WAH. Wah Wah wah wah.”