
Rey convinces Luke to train her by standing outside Luke’s mudhut day and night for weeks, holding over her head a boombox playing the music from the cantina on Tatooine.

I’d love to see Scorpius’ actor play Thrawn. Although he already played Tarkin in Revenge of the Sith.

I didn’t know I wanted to see this until you said it. But now, it’s all I want.

With pizza, and margarita shooters!

Lol, the return of The Competent Imperial Officer!

Now I want to see a Thrawn and Scorpius buddy cop movie

Thrawn is to Star Wars what Scorpius was to Farscape, a great villain who makes everything he’s in better.

What?!? HAN SOLO got killed?!?

The Neighborhood of Make Believe had more nuanced characters than The Phantom Menace.

Prometheus is a wonderful movie which accurately depicts the dangers of exploring exoplanets.

That’s ridiculous. How can you be “lord” of something that always contains, at most, only two people? ; )

Someone needs to do a black comedy where Best and Jake Lloyd team up to kidnap Lucas, angry over all the flack they’ve caught over the years.

My friend argued that this is actually a middle finger and not a thumb’s up, which would make slightly more sense in the scene, and ever since I’ve enjoyed it a lot more.

You forgot to shun the nonbeliever ;)

To say the Middle East situation is a clusterfuck doesn’t do the word clusterfuck justice.

My sentiments exactly. Hell would freeze over before I side with Putin, but it’s getting chilly lately.

Point: Having Sex More Than Once a Week Probably Won’t Make You Any Happier

Them duke boy are gonna be in a whole heap of trouble.