To say the Middle East situation is a clusterfuck doesn’t do the word clusterfuck justice.
To say the Middle East situation is a clusterfuck doesn’t do the word clusterfuck justice.
My sentiments exactly. Hell would freeze over before I side with Putin, but it’s getting chilly lately.
Point: Having Sex More Than Once a Week Probably Won’t Make You Any Happier
Little ones don’t always understand the concept of time, so getting them on any sort of routine can be difficult.…
Them duke boy are gonna be in a whole heap of trouble.
We rated Virgin as the best airline in the U.S., so maybe it’s not surprising that they’re offering an awesome perk…
How long does it take you to convey a single idea? If you’re bad at small talk, you might not realize when one idea…
We all want to be successful, but sometimes the fear of failure prevents us from trying new things. As Dr. Jason Fox…
Need to get over a creative block or trigger more “eureka!” moments? Try stepping away to do something as mindless…
There are a lot of great mobile hotspots out there, but if you don’t want to subscribe to a monthly plan—say, if you…
Sharing music with friends is a time-honored way to discover new bands, talk over your music tastes with friends,…
Conan O’Brien and Andy Richter replaced Immortan Joe and The Doof Warrior from Mad Max: Fury Road for a short…
Yay! Finally someone who shares the same opinion. As a Librarian, I’m always recommending to students to pick up the audiobook with the book, especially students with learning difficulties like dyslexia (who usually prefer to listen vs. read). Not only can you learn new words - did you honestly pronounce all those…
I think they key to being a persuasive person is being the kind of person who is sincerely interested in other people. In honest communication the interaction shouldn’t be to actively persuade or manipulate. Even if you’re a salesperson, you should be trying to provide the consumer with something they either want or…
Earlier this year, my fiance decided to quit his heavy smoking. Of course, I wanted to help, but as someone who’s…
You hit someone, you're fired. I wish more people understood that. If I deck someone at my office, I expect to be 1.) arrested, and 2.) fired.
What else do you expect?
If you have a great idea for a new business and now you're looking for funding or other support, you'll probably…