Thanks for the replies! One more you think 10 extra hp is worth it? Would I be able to tell the difference?
Thanks for the replies! One more you think 10 extra hp is worth it? Would I be able to tell the difference?
It doesn’t appear on their website and when I asked him if there was any way to see the car before I drive out there he didn’t answer...he did answer and I quote “I checked our pipeline/distro and everything you specified is available. So selection won’t be an issue. :)“ And yes he did use a smiley emoticon....
So is it a good time to buy a GTI? I was looking for a GTI S with performance package here in Houston at around 25K. I emailed the 4 big local VW dealers: one pretty much laughed and said they don’t have ANY GTIs at that price, I went back and forth with emails with the second guy and after about the 4th email he went…
So is it a good time to buy a GTI? I was looking for a GTI S with performance package here in Houston at around 25K. I emailed the 4 big local VW dealers: one pretty much laughed and said they don’t have ANY GTIs at that price, I went back and forth with emails with the second guy and after about the 4th email he went…
I’m thinking he meant Mad Max and not Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior...Mad Max is an origin story so it’s kinda of slow to the build up. The Road Warrior is just as insane or more so than Fury Road.
“This lads is a Hurly, used in the Irish game of Hurly, cross between hockey and murder!”
The hip hop awards skit from the X-cutioners always cracks me up....
I never found Tim & Eric funny...I mean I know you have to be high to find it funny but how high? There’s a point where you’re high and find anything funny but if you get too high then you start getting paranoid. And that is the last show you wanna see while paranoid...
I’m also colorblind so now you know why all my ‘shop entries were all off color....well I guess you wouldn’t have realized it either. :/
Blops 3 releases on a Friday? Whut????
I would love watching these on Sunday mornings back in the day. My only problem with the ones on Netflix is that they don’t have the cheesy English dub...that’s how I remember them.
White God: The Video Game
20 minutes????