Isn’t this the same premise as that Kevin James Netflix movie?
Isn’t this the same premise as that Kevin James Netflix movie?
The outtake nearly made me spit out my drink...ditto on them releasing the outtake reel for the entire series.
Boss Battle 2 music has been stuck in my head for years... :)
Sounds good...I’ll try it out.
I finally got gold on the crossbow but had some not too good matches on Shipment 24/7...I recommend getting on top of the containers and shooting toward capture points to get some double/triple kills with explosive tipped arrows. Working on the Renetti too...not sure about the SKS or FAL but they buffed the KAR that…
Modern Warfare double XP weekend...gotta get those weapon camos.
I dunno fam....I yet to see an article on here about Vanessa Guillen even though its already national news. Ever since Splinter...splintered, there hasn’t been too many articles about the Latino “experience” here in the US. Maybe there needs to be a new sub for Latino news since The Root is lacking...
The State Of Decay trailer is right underneath the Halo Infinite news and I was confused for a while...
My favorite song of theirs...haven’t listened to any of their newer stuff.
Also...why did this show premier on like 5 different cable channels??? It was on MTV, Nick, Comedy Central, POP, etc.
One of my friends to this day I met while going to the local corner store to play KOF ‘94. We would later walk to the supermarket about 10-15 minutes away when they added KOF ‘95 next to their crane redemption game. When ever we go watch a PPV fight at my cousin’s apt we fire up KOF ‘98 on the XB1 for a few rounds...
Finally watched the whole thing last night and...honestly, Dave now comes off like that uncle at the family gathering that spouts his un-PC rhetoric to get it off his chest then finally after a couple of beers settles down to the guy who actually has funny stories to tell. Bill Burr is also another example of…
“The 8th wonder of the world is now a relic of yesteryear that is infested with HIV-infected rats, but some people want to keep it because they once had a good memory there.”