

I honestly prefer the MK2 over the KAR, while the KAR is great as a sniper, it’s not so great at close-range, I knocked out a quad-kill on Shipment with the MK2 just doing regular TDM, and then next game on Shoot House (when they did Shoot The Ship 24/7 last week) I got like 15 Longshots with it. Overall imo it’s more

Gotta level my Crossbow, or maybe I’ll copy you and finish working on getting gold on my Renetti (I’m just a few camos short in Reptile and about to unlock Skulls).

Same. The Halo news didn’t have a clickable trailer so I opened that one and was thinking...weird tone Master Chief gonna fight that wolf?

The first episode felt, to me, like Broad City 2.0, with a new set of cultural stereotypes.  Not necessarily a bad thing, but I was a little surprised at how familiar it felt.

The real Astros’ hero is Urquidy, first postseaon start with 5 scoreless innings on the “bullpen” night.  If only Trump had been there to see a Mexican ass whooping some National(ist)s.

Let’s remember some guys

It’s important to note that this was the predicted hurricane track from August 31 - the day BEFORE Trump told the nation that it would be hitting Alabama. He has dementia, and it's gone from bad to worse.

The chests are straight up out of Rob Liefield comics. Way too fucking big. There's that one screenshot of Captain America and the chest looks 2 sizes too big, but that's not the worst part. If you look at the right size you can see Thor and his dinner plate sized chest pieces. 

Or, at the very least, reading through Wikipedia.

If you’re a non-fan, and went to see this movie, I have no sympathy for you.

Perfect metaphor for America right now. Nobody but a fucking asshole wants the president we have, and nobody but a fucking asshole wants to see this team in another Super Bowl. Just one more thing to endure.
