
“Hey, Fucko, we like to call it inter-species erotica."


J.J. Watt is like Gronk Lite....there’s a joke there but my punchline can’t complete it.

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I was hoping Little Mac would win...

Still no article about their win...hmmm.

At 2:44 at the right side of the screen...TOASTY!

I’m Mexican but Jones should’ve turned around after that goal went in and gave those pendejo fans a double bird followed by a crotch grab...idiots.

Cool! The great thing I loved about the SF2 soundtrack was how the music would up the tempo when a fighter’s stamina bar went red...

My 5 year old son loves Octonauts and Paw Patrol...

Best Known For: NYPD Blue, La Bamba, activism for non-insane environmentalist and Latino issues.

An even more dreamy Robin....*sigh*

He’ll have a helping hand from God Himself...


R.C. ProAm!!!! YAY!!!

What about R.C. ProAm? Please?

And later in that same game LeBron shoved a Warrior into the sideline crowd to prove the point????

There can be only one legacy!