
Of course they didn’t eat her...they were already full of Muldoon and SamLJack!

Curry was afraid that Delly would sweep the leg...

Now playing

I loved all the different sounds the guns made in W@W! The M1 Garand is at favorite in sound and handling was the FG-42 at 5:20.

They should have benched him in the 4th and let Brewer & Smith have a run at it like they did against the Clips...or literally anyone else! Sheesh!

Not sure who I want to win the Finals... I hate GS for beating my hometown Rockets but I also hate LeBron for being LeBron.

Which one had “Mile High Club”? Yeah...that was the best one. Took me forever to beat it on Veteran...

The biggest reason I love the Rockets still being in the playoffs is sportswriters (commentators) still having to talk about them...through gritted teeth. They SOOO want to be talking about Lebron vs Curry they can almost taste it! Hehehe...

Technical foul on both teams for.... reasons.

Now playing

It’s just payback for the figure 4 leg lock against the Bulls....



Even if the Rockets don’t win on Sunday I’m just satisfied that they took away the Clips celebration at home...just watching them deflate all the excitement out of the arena, priceless!

Big Hero 6: First Down?

I finally saw i yesterday was “good” not great. The action scenes were top notch but the story was many times have we seen the build-advanced-AI-and-it-decides-to-destroy-humanity scheme? I loved that they brought back War Machine and Falcon!

Gamblor? Like from the Simpsons?

Barnes is a thug...he should be playing hockey instead. Or cricket...that’s a brutal sport too, right?

I’ll just copy and paste the comment I made on FB after the game: