
that dude should’ve gone to hell. 

“i came to washington to be a self-absorbed contrarian psychopath and refuse to better my constituents lives while carving out a lazy yet permanent political career for myself...and by god i’m doing just that, and my voters love me for it; primarily because they’re blinded by the hatred they construct in their shallow,

the mRNA vaccines work, they’re really really good. the data out of Israel against the variants and transmissibility is insanely promising. they’re currently partying in tel aviv and the virus has barely budged. i’m not as doom and gloom as some people on here (or our fucking CDC director yesterday...what the hell was

oh cool, someone who’s career is the result of ripping off other people’s material and propelled by social media algorithms is getting more screentime. thanks jimmy fallon! you paragon of culture! someone fire this clown. 

same goes for those mimicking that lip filler look in hollywood and in the ‘influencer’ orbit. even when it’s done well (rarely), it looks like absolute dogshit. can’t wait for that to be out of vogue.

average low temp of 55 is considered cold?

this site is so funny. giving attention to a clan of body-dysmorphic narcissists that do not need another avenue of promotion. a feminist website that gives bandwidth to a family that’s destroyed their bodies, and the bodies of thousands of other women, chasing an ideal instagram ready look. the amount of lip

yea, make an incredibly straight forward bill more complex because the vast majority of businesses in this country exploit labor and we need to be easy on them other wise they’ll be mean to us. 

i definitely trust someone’s opinion about money when they can’t put the fucking dollar sign in the correct location.

if she had a multi billion dollar propaganda industry spinning every tweet and going along with every lie while millions of people were already primed to accept her, things might have been different

eh, i’m not losing any sleep over a party apparatchik losing a nomination that was a blatant loyalty payout. the reasons are bullshit, sure, but the result is one i can live with.

dems weren’t planning on winning georgia, it’s obvious.

per capita, there are more trump supporters in gen x than any other cohort.

gen x, per capita, supported trump more than any other cohort.

when cecily is featured more than mckinnon, the entire show benefits.

eh i see it the other way: those same thought leaders and liberal pundits who bitched about gaslighting from the GOP for the past 4 years are now boasting about the qualifications of a professional twitter troll and austerity pusher for the OMB during an economic crisis.

do the cameramen know the order in which the lines are being delivered and by whom?

she may very well be, categorically, the stupidest person to hold a seat at the federal level in over 100 years. sure, louie gohmert has been there a while now, but good lord, at least he graduated from high school.

you know, if these fucking corporations didn’t 1) avoid paying taxes 2) outsource 3) infiltrate our political system 4) create and sow narratives that caused chaos...we probably wouldn’t be in this situation.

viral twitter outrage is incredibly lame. the people who get off on that sort of thing need to get a hobby or start doing actual political organizing. i assume they don’t because it requires actual work and actual moral courage.