
the party is littered with them btw, not just in the south. the boomer generation were all Reaganites; either full on cult level GOPers or reagan third-way democrats. theses rich assholes have a vice grip on that party. they’ll work harder to knee cap left wing, youthful, energy generating primary challengers than

that podcast seems sad, in a “peaked in high school” kind of way.

if a woman is the clear instigator and perpetrator of domestic abuse, the default opinion amongst this site’s commentariat is “both sides”. it’s fucking weird and gross. 

can’t bring myself to watch those in flight announcement videos. i caught a glimpse of one and it was disgusting. i never new people WANTED - literally to the point of being overjoyed and throwing their hands up in celebration- WANTED to raw dog that disgusting fart filled recycled plane air. remember how nearly

i’d go a step further and say that she’s the least talented person on that show at the moment. the one-note characters, the mugging to the audience after every line, the constant smirking, the complete dearth of impressions in her arsenal...i really don’t get how she ever fooled people into thinking she was funny.

such a freedom of speech absolutist that government compelling a private business to change their policies is apparently kosher.

that’s Kurt Vile for me. i do not get how people can get past his ‘singing’. his style infected Courtney Barnett, she now uses those same intonations. i haven’t listened to her much since their album together.

this administration is completely incompetent. big thanks to DNC party hacks who foisted this centrist do nothing corpse on us. oh, double thanks for foisting an unpopular primary drop out on us as the back up. really earning those consultant bucks. fucking losers. 

piss babies bemoaning ‘cancel culture’ because people on twitter - anonymous or otherwise - expressed their reaction to a comment you made is the most contrived bullshit of our time. no one is canceling you. you’re getting blowback for being a public dipshit and it makes you feel uncomfortable. 


her outfit is as incoherent, disgusting, and pointlessly flashy as her political decisions. the whole scene was hilariously symbolic - claims she’s “heading out” but doesn’t leave, chaotically scrambles to random end point, hides from the most tepid questions, cornered in a fucking bathroom stall - that’s where shit

also, aaron sorkin is a piece of shit. everything he touches is dog shit that only dead eyed, malcom gladwell following dipshits enjoy. he can get fucked. 

attacking her on principles (attending an exclusive event for millionaires and celebrities while building a brand on left wing populism which is antipodal to that class) is different than attacking her because of performative nonsense (the dress)

this is tiring. if the past year and a half has taught us anything, it’s that celebrity culture - their opinions, their galas, their perceived influence, their existence - is all so expendable. but some fancy do-nothings got to dress silly and do performative ‘activism’ for an evening. cool. 

not the only remedy - harass the shit out of dems for sitting on their hands during all this. “vote” is getting tiresome when all that our voting gets us is an endless pit of excuses as to why any effort to curb this shit go untried. where is the court packing? where is the DOJ? where is the urgency to dump the

i wish the administration would grow a spine and confront this shit. start mandating it where ever the government can. the slightest hint of public sector support for vax mandates gives private sector companies the green light to either require vaccination proof or mandate it as terms of employment. all of which is

BP dumps billions of gallons of oil in the gulf, but you go after people for littering.

delta came from india. i hate desantis as much as the next person, but the rest of the world exists. unequal global vaccine distribution is a much bigger threat. allowing vaccines to expire in the US is borderline criminal. 

yep. and as more people are exposed/vaccinated, the more immune memory is built up in the population that will hamper its spread. this initial wave (which has lasted the past year and a half and likely go into 2022 if not 2023 globally) is happening because: 1) this is basically an alien virus, no one’s immune system

damn that sucks. you have to do actual work by going to your county and getting your taxpayer funded bailout. i feel for you sorta.