
hundreds of thousands are dying, coup attempt in progress, thousands more going homeless and jobless.

to be fair, he’s called out the blatant racism and shortcomings of “the greatest generation” multiple times. his dad was the WW2 generation so it’s a subject that interests him. it’s a conflicted, highly influential group of people, which allows for really great examination. “fetishization” is the wrong word.

this is tough.

yea but haven’t you heard? joni ernst and marco rubio got the shot first. there’s a real scoop.

but how will the consultants justify their insanely bloated contracts if they don’t deliver efficiencies or harness technologies or produce customized algorithms??

i’m convinced this show has become nothing more than a vehicle for mediocre talent (from jost and the writing staff, to lorne, to the 50+ forgettable cast members) to hang out with celebrities.

And if the Republicans control the Senate, then what you or I or the squad wants is not going to happen.”

“I hope they do, but I know they wont”-Dem voters since 1980

that’s what i fear too. and the dem leadership seem hell bent on conjuring up the same political cocktail that delivered trump. they needed to take the past 4 years to reform, reassess, and provide an actual flank attack on trump and McConnell. swear off corporate donations. run on class politics. weed out the

we’ve slept in separate beds since my partner and i moved in together. first in our two bedroom apt, now at our house. it’s been like this for years.

democrat leadership hates the left more than they hate the GOP. 

which one raised 200k for low income housing and food insecurity this weekend?

ah...jezebel, the site that said and did nothing as its sister sites got shuttered or stripped bare by a union busting cooperate takeover, cheering for a union busting democrat operative getting a position that helps no one but herself. good stuff. 

this fucked up society is causing this. you can’t force employees to go back into the office/workplace and expect them not to have social life. you can’t send kids back to the classroom and expect them not to hang out after school. you can’t put football on every weekend if you’re in the middle of a fucking pandemic.

friendly reminder that remote work option is now a near permanent reality for a lot of companies. those of us out in purple states could really use more blue votes. wisconsin barely went blue. 20k votes, that’s how much your vote matters out in these states. low cost of living, low home prices, lots of nature, high

i hope your overlord gave you a bright shiny sticker for being such a good wage slave. you deserve it.

i knew a shit take like this would show up.

shame really...whatever her legacy was will now be completely overshadowed by the selfish decision to not retire under a democratic president.

welp, at least The West Wing Thing will be good this week...

yea it’s a tough decision.