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Houndmouth doing Funkadelic is one that always stands out to me (if live versions count)

Agreed, ahunerd percent

A shit Pie

oh, probably those hippies with NPR decals who go to local coffee shops. that’s a hotbed for sure. or those old ladies who spend their time gardening. total extremists.

it was a metaphor, you dunce.

you need antibodies to defeat ideas like his. hoping that he’ll just go away isn’t good enough. he’ll still seep into the cracks of the internet where he has an audience. we need numbers on our side. if his appearance on NPR woke even several hundred independent people up to how vile and disgusting his ideas are and

pshh. have you seen the typical NPR listener? they’re not necessarily the prime candidates for conversion to right wing extremism.

her face is seriously fucked up.

i would say this is a self-own, but there are probably thousands of dumb motherfuckers who’ll show up and patronize this place based on this action alone. so it may actually be a brilliant business strategy.

good. keep that disgusting fruity pebble beer out of this country!

jeremiah wright -> weather underground -> kenya muslim -> birtherism -> jade helm 15 -> sandy hook hoax -> Benghazi! -> her emails -> podesta -> pizza gate -> crisis actors -> 3D chess trump -> fake news -> deep state -> qAnon...

wasn’t the whole point of her ousting franken to make anti-sexual harassment her pet issue? or does that only apply when [white] women and democrat men are involved?

i wouldn’t count beating the mets by 21 runs as “succeeding”. succeeding implies an accomplishment. now beating the mets by 22 runs...that’s an accomplishment. perhaps that’s why kelley was so pissed.

but apparently the offense can pour it on during a insane blow out, fake charge the mound, and unload on a pitching position player because that makes the organization look good.

trebek’s counter-snob to the nerd contestant snob is a necessary balance to that show. 

i was taken aback after reading the 1 woman:4 men ratio. no surprise these women don’t want to play in that sort of environment. the organizers should focus on leveling out that ratio for mixed leagues.

why wasn’t she looking at the flag while the anthem was playing? i was always taught to stare at the flag until the anthem was over, even if my eyes watered. never avert your gaze from that holy cloth because it holds supernatural powers that fill our hears with patriotism and love of country but hate of the people in

i was comparing his salary to his district, as you alluded to in your original comment. i have no idea why you brought in your life story. that was a bit of a non-sequitur. but maybe you have a the reading skills of a first grader.

a place so rural that the average is $ his district maybe?