
thanks man! you’re right though, i should agree with what this site posts 100% of the time. i’m such a tool for having my own opinions. thanks again!

well that’s embarrassing and i am ashamed.

this is the same author who suggested that the lions should have performed an illegal background search when hiring Matt Patricia. Reading comments from people who actually new the law, and subsequently dunking on him, was one of the more enjoyable moments in 2018 deadspin. his articles are a constant source of

this is the most scientific observation i’ve ever read in my entire life. thank you for your exhaustive study based upon perceptions, anecdotes, and bullshit.

self-righteous asshole pens long bullshit think piece decrying hypocrisy; ends by calling everyone self-righteous assholes.

everything listed only reaffirms the obvious: there is no republican party; it’s the party of fox news and their AM radio surrogates, with trump as the purest distillation of their viewership. the GOP created a media wing to help them win elections, it grew into a propaganda monstrosity with such gravity that the GOP

it fits together quite nicely:

Murder Murders Raven

“..a handful of laps to go on the 1.5-mile oval in Joilet, Illinois”

good for them. they fuck up our country and still get to live their bullshit posh ‘living out of a van’ lifestyle.

There are plenty of dating apps for them: bootlckr, grovlr, synikal, gaslitr...

Was he not allowed to say untermensch?

and you know where your kids are during day care, and they’re given back to the parent at a specific time, and they’re not locked in cages, and they’re not being shipped across country, etc etc

this is setting a bad president

naughty words are worse than state sponsored kidnapping. got it.

naughty words are worse than state sponsored kidnapping. got it.

That last picture...the Blue Ridge Explosion needs a new mascot

social media over-sharers ooze of low intelligence. it’s that dunning-kruger territory of “casually exposing your stupidity to the world but being too stupid to realize how stupid you look”

this is absolutely terrifying...a senate candidate still has a landline and 20 year old answering machine.

right, i prefer the USMNT version of soccer: throw your shoes in a box, send your butt blindly to the couch. then pick your kids up from rec league. because you’re not at the world cup.