
the democratic party is fucking joke.

totally get a “lights are on, no one’s home” vibe from her.

it’s very cynical on her end. she appears to be using the “more women in power is a good thing” as a vehicle for her own benefit. “more women in power...hey, did you notice that i’m a woman? *hint hint*”

just to cut through the bullshit here: she’s advocating shooting national guardsmen.

“Come and take diploma, because I clearly shouldn’t have graduated with my ramshackle logic and alternate understanding of history”

“sixth place out of a field of seven candidates”...jesus christ, how bad is number 7? is he a straight up cannibal?


they have no talent in the writer’s room.

i’m just amazed people found this MM bit funny. are standards that low?

“White Woman Makes POWERFUL Statement In New ‘This Is America’ Remix”

i said this before, but there was a sobering realization i had a couple years back when i noticed that the real problem wasn’t GOP voters who were being hoodwinked by fox news/am radio; it was GOP lawmakers.

ugh that was awful. easily the least funny thing on the show last night, and that’s saying something. it seems like the writers mailed it in, called up MM and said: “hey can you swing by and eat up about 10 minutes of air time with some unfunny, forced drivel?” and she obliged because she loves attention.

will mike ever drink that lemonade??

first heard of them thanks to AV club listing Midnight Organ Fight on the Best Albums of 2008, back when they used to come in those free onion papers on college campuses. i was absolutely blown away by that album. it’s surreal that almost a decade after it came out we’d be talking about Scott’s death. i’m not sure

every time i see a picture of cynthia nixon, i’m reminded of this video.

eh, attractive white woman probably supersedes white male in privilege.

guy can’t even get dentures that’s he supposed to successfully clean up trump’s lie sty?

i admit it...i was wrong. wyoming actually has 68 times california’s representation in the senate. (2 senators for 579,000 people vs 2 senators for 39 million)

let alone the senate, which allows for red states to be overly represented in the federal government. when red state wyoming voters have 29 times the representation in the senate as blue state California voters, it’s sorta hard to believe that victimization complex conservatives love to dip into.