
oh did i not see that?

she’s pathetic - publicly defending a serial womanizer who’s constantly been an asshole to her own family...all while her father is dying...what a great daughter.

this was written almost a year ago, pretty much sums up the annoying habit some people have of projecting this show onto our current reality as if we’re in some sort of societal tailspin.

Box elder bugs and asian lady beetles

because that is totally related to a random restaurant staff not knowing who giannis is.

total beta

a joint practice would’ve lined up nicely with 4/20

a class of corrupt skimmers and scammers who are revered as ‘job creators’.

her father is basically dying, yet she’s spending her time shit-stirring and spreading GOP disinformation on daytime tv.

knowing the bucks, this will happen. they now have a novice as a GM who looks overwhelmed every time he’s interviewed. the owners have a shared decision making system in place where every couple years, a different owner of the 3 in the ownership group decides the primary moves of the franchise. that’s a recipe for

equally frustration: watching greg monroe get his revenge while the guy we traded him for built a brick house.

bring back scheduled double headers, play them in may and june against division opponents, follow it with a planned off day, and expand the roster size when DH’s are played.

i don’t feel bad for an annoying, talentless, content addict getting his comeuppance for creating unfunny, buzzfeedesque spam.

“dressing up like a tween girl and saying, “Ew!!!” for a laugh...”

i wonder how much of this is attributable to urban planners intentionally fighting against sprawl by favoring mixed use developments over new subdivisions. i would think this trend causes the housing cycle to stall out; people staying in starter homes longer because the housing stock on the next rung is bottle

ha, you think pharmaceutical companies give a shit about innovation?? so naive. they care about cornering markets and driving up prices on otherwise generic drugs. they cut funding to ‘innovation’ all the time.

single payer doesn’t go far enough, it doesn’t solve the other root issue: drug prices. pharmaceutical companies should be regulated like private utilities.

yea, and because they benefit from a lot of these unwritten norms...they’re just not as brazen, audaciously stupid, and tone deaf as trump and his roaches have been.

i hope the democrats are feverishly writing up legislation that -once they get a full majority again- they can hammer through in the first couple months of a new administration. legislation that would put in writing all the unwritten norms that the trump administration has been breaking. have those documents waiting

doesn’t know what a typical apartment runs in DC, doesn’t know what his staffers are doing, doesn’t know the average american income...