
the building boom in madison and milwaukee back up this statement. also, the housing market in both cities is cut throat. the economy in the blue enclaves is fine. red areas? neutron bomb depression land. wonder why that is...

“elections cost too much” -the guy who gave billions of state dollars to a foreign corporation with a horrible track record.

*national tv host who’s ilk constantly derides college students slams high school student for not getting into a competitive college*

true, but 21 runs over 162 games is not a lot. i would say the teams are even, but no way are the cardinals “a few steps ahead” of the brewers. the cardinals had to make a huge late season surge just to be relevant. they were a .500 team most of the year, .500 at the end of august, and still only finished 4 games

interesting, i determine who is “better” by who wins more games. likewise, the “lesser” teams are those that lose more games. it’s sort of a complicated system, but that’s just how i see it.

it’s strange you’re soliciting for ways to be on the “right side of this issue” when you clearly have no intention of changing your mind.

as an internet commenter...i’m outraged!! *words#* *does nothing about anything in real life* *feels self-righteous*

“i’m going to dive bar” and “i’m going to!” have the same result

huh, i would’ve thought the rest of the Cavaliers would’ve weighed more than 7 lbs... no wonder it was so easy for him to carry them.

glad someone else sees that too. strong much is better than mckinnon...who’s fine, but the overacting/staring/constant smirking is getting exhausting. the amount of praise mckinnon gets from people doesn’t match her actual performance. but i also get annoyed with overexposure, which snl is definitely doing with

in the case of a triple play base unloading, the pitcher must do the Shooter Mcgavin finger bang to end the inning, or the game ends in a tie. *bud selig shrug*

if this ever makes it to the majors, i hope the pitcher spends the entire inning trying to pick the guy off at second. waste more time than they’re intending to save.

*person who says it would be awful conversing with a high schooler proceeds to interact with people like the strawman high schooler they resent*


fuck man, most of the adults i engage with are people i’d rather not engage with. they’re recalcitrant, stubborn, prideful motherfuckers who can never admit they’re wrong.

so you’d rather they lost this election because this guy wasn’t the embodiment of a pure liberal in your eyes? cool. get fucked.

counterpoint: shut the fuck up.

i want the same to happen to wisconsin’s 1st. trump won that by 11. this district took down a 20 point could happen?

yea i know the type. i went to a good, expensive, private high school. the majority of families who send their kids there love to bitch about tax dollars going to pay for public education (particularly inner city schools). the line they parrot from AM talk radio is “throwing money at education doesn’t work!” which is

did he mishear the announcer? he was grabbing for the wrong ball.