
“Superdelegates are good. They help ensure that the party isn’t forced to nominate someone who has no business being in public office.”

i understand the tv contracts, and i understand it was a cash grab for the conferences. i suppose i’m perplexed at how those two schools presence are valued so high. how are they worth that much in tv revenue? who’s watching rutgers or maryland football?

the big ten lost in that partnership too. bringing on a greatly diminished maryland program (probably due to the reasons you just listed) and the bloated corpse that is rutgers...all because they wanted more of a ‘presence’ on the east coast, whatever the fuck that means.

“The social network tested the Explore Feed in Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Slovakia, Serbia, Guatemala, and Cambodia.”

the current elder generation of democrats has mismanaged that party into obsolescence.

the whiplash between the first piece (gruesome chemical attacks on children) and Jennifer Lawrence’s breasts/movie promotion was....something...

because it was objectively wrong. it doesn’t take a history buff to see the decades of grifting, infidelity, and bullying tactics trump has used to strong-arm or cheat his way through life. he was a terrible human being prior to the election; saying he could be a good president is incredibly naive to trump’s character

no one’s arguing that women and men compete against eachother in the same events. of course men and women are physiologically different and of course there should be a men’s event and women’s event. no one’s arguing there should be a coed race, that’s ridiculous. no one’s arguing that men should do the balance beam,

with time? no doubt. top tier athelets don’t currently train for those distances, so i would think there would be an adjustment period.

were athletes consulted when these distances were mandated?

i’m talking about distance events, you’re bringing up’re still all over the map.

not adding any disciplines, making the distances the same. it’s arbitrary that women’s events are shorter than men’s events when they can both complete marathons.

men and women both run the same distance for marathons. if women can physiologically run THAT distance (sure, not as fast as the fastest men, but they compete with other women), then there should be no distance difference between men and women events for other disciplines.

the amount of camera time she got last night was exhausting. after they cut away with 9 or so skiers left to go (after declaring her the bronze medalist) i was hoping one of the final skiers would bump her off the podium...(nothing against her, she can’t help it that she’s a marketable blonde woman) just to make nbc

the campuses where these ‘anti-free speech’ examples are being pulled from are 1) liberal arts, 4 year residency colleges in in the upper Midwest/new England college towns that have been historically hyper liberal, have small enrollment, and have a politically active student body OR 2) Berkeley, which needs no

there are a lot of reasonable american catholics out there, like the one’s who decided to leave the church for good.

“to be fair AR-15's are used for hunting quite often and I hear they do quite well with them”

“It will happen again with or without gun control. It’ll happen less often, but it will still happen.”

“It’ll happen less often”

The NRA is a domestic terrorist organization.