
dunning krugger effect for sure, came here to write the same thing.

NBC is terrible with that narrative garbage. you can only hype up someone’s training regimen so much, espeically in the olympics where they’re all more or less the same.

according to nbc, the only people in the olympics this year are lindsey vonn and shaun white.

the network that has giant plinko as a prime time show sucks at olympic coverage? well color me shocked.

so she’s saying we Foster the People too much?

the jaded person in me wants the stock market to tank prior to baby boom retirement as a giant fuck you to that entire generation for allowing the nation to fall apart physically, socially, politically, and institutionally.

the only times I’ve ever seen Nunes on TV he’s either sweating his balls off with a deer in the headlights look on his face, or scampering sideways down a hallway while being harassed by the press like he’s on trial for murder. the guy is a disgraceful human being.

“Fuck taxes man. This is so fucked it’s like I didn’t earn anything.”

if that is your friday morning take, then calling you a dope is a statement of fact. nothing personal...dude.

you said it dope! judging from that guy’s breasts, it was sexual assault too!

I’ve always wondered what the nfl rules committee looks like.

TED talks are trash

he’s from delavan, same hometown as scott walker.

she always finds a way to step in it. she needs to get lost. stay far away from politics and the national spotlight for at least a year...preferably forever. the only thing that drives the GOP base to the polls is clinton rage.

he was the definition of a blowhard...well, until 45* came around, then clark became a footnote

(he was the milwaukee county sheriff, not the city of milwaukee police chief)

yep, and yet you have jez spam bots on here talking about how she’s a victim, projecting some sort of abuse on her that doesn’t exist...give me a break.. until proven otherwise, she’s a depraved and craven as the rest of them. wasting tax dollars for a petty personal feud with a spouse? that SOUNDS trumpian.

good on ya...but imo, pitying her is like pitying a tech douche who got burned by fyre fest.

no, the wrong thing to say to someone in an abusive is to tell them stay in the relationship...which you implied.

please, i’ll save my pity for people who deserve it. she’s not some impoverished woman with kids who needs to stay in a horrible relationship for her kids’ or her own financial or material survival, she’s the fucking first lady married to an alleged millionaire. she has every resource at her disposal to separate from