
i’m not torn. she’s a coward.

yelich is what they hope brinson will become, so they basically get that player now with 5 years of control. sucks to give up so much for him (harrison is the kicker, imo) but if the brass thinks they have a shot this year with in weak NL with so many teams regressing, i say go for it.

“sorry ump, my lefty must’ve tweeked something on the final pitch to that power hitting left-handed batter...gotta sub him out.”

If south dakota isn’t a shithole state, why doesn’t tomi lahren stay there? let’s be honest. call it like it is.

bullshit. 100% bullshit.

“while the interesting people tend to be too busy living their interesting lives to bother posting online.”

great editing, cut it off right before he said “...except cleveland”

kimmel also said that someone should just show him a photoshopped picture of the border wall, claiming it’s completed and totally amazing.

bingo. she’s a white, attractive, young blonde woman - marketing gold for sponsors and NBC. it was the only reason she leap frogged to third in 2014. enough with her. she couldn’t qualify in 2014, shit the bed in sochi, and finished 4th again in 2018. i could care less what she did in other events. those results show

ha, i have friends in chicago who (back when i was in my mid-20' like a lifetime of 5 years ago) would constantly talk about the difference between chicago neighborhoods. nebulous things like how the vibe is different, the types of restaurants, the feeling in certain bars...each neighborhood had its own unique

i think gloating/humble brag process goes something like this:

exactly, no one ever mentions the part of college (or increasingly: grad school) where, upon graduating, you’re left to fend for yourself and work menial jobs for an indeterminate amount of time, all while looking for better work elsewhere.

Oh please...a meaningless, unfulfilling job is more degrading than a consensual sexual act. It may not be your thing, but shit, I can think of far more ubiquitous normalized things that are more degrading than two adults consenting to something in private.

heart disease can be genetic, you fucking idiot.

lawsuits that act as a deterrent for future corporate fraud isn’t a waste of time. sorry you see it that way, mr pai.

and no one in that industry has ever had a bad day at work...

the type of people airline employees need to deal with probably contributes to their bitterness. i’ve seen a lot of fucking morons at the airport. being around a never ending cycle of bloated, disgusting, entitled americans with no sense of personal awareness would drive me to insanity.

wow. someone complaining about speculated lazy writing is too lazy and presumptuous to let a show unfold beyond the first initial scenes.

if only kendall jenner got there sooner with that pepsi...