
FCC commissioner, Ashit Pie

Ashit Pie

that’s the part that perplexes me too. the ‘pro-life’ stance is so flimsy when you factor in every other social variable.

exactly. that’s the elephant in the room that this article doesn’t address.

“They’ve utterly poisoned the well for an entire generation that’s going to be voting for the next 50+ years”

i would recommend switching to regular coke...and doubling your intake, mr trump. now THAT would make all the libs mad.

handler always struck me as an extremely bitter person. her appeal baffles me.

picture this: the GOP concocts false allegations of sexual assault (or embellishes decades old transgressions to put them on the same plane as rape) for every democrat running in battleground districts in 2018.

ehh..i think it’s the other way around.

exactly. the democrats should have circled the wagons and stuck to the original “franken will resign when trump resigns, he’ll resign when roy moore drops out” message.

that’s acute joke

right, i’m not faulting them for that. i just don’t think you can have it both ways. you can’t move out AND bitch about your home state. you either stay and bitch, or move and shut up.

a more effective ad campaign for attracting millennials would be:

shhh...that means actually doing something that could affect change rather than lecturing current residents from afar.

as someone who chose to stay in wisconsin, thank you

no shit. i’m so sick of this out of state lecturing from former wisconsinites.

i hope this is a story that keeps on purging people - like the sexual harassment scandal.

exactly. if i want gifts, i buy them an adult. i don’t make wish lists or chores for other people to do. that shit is childish.

the gift giving is what gets me. i’m a grown adult, i don’t want gifts. my friends are grown adults with full time jobs, don’t expect gifts from me.

i too would rather work than be forced to visit cleveland.