
i think you’re missing the post’s point. what you wrote about king is correct, but it could’ve very well been written regarding jon stewart and CK...yet this website had no issue going after stewart as if he were complicit in repressing the CK story.

No one’s saying that. I think the original comment is pointing out the hypocrisy of gunning at Jon Stewart for not knowing or acting on rumors of CK’s behavior. the real people who should be held accountable are middlemen (HR types) who cover up, dismiss, repress, or discourage people from coming forward. not peers in

came here to write the same thing. We’re not even two weeks out from that Jon Stewart article where he was pathetically drawn into the CK scandal orbit.

they always have been. lecturing people about their personal transgressions or intellectual inferiority is the cornerstone of the left these days.

ha, i completely support a write-in sessions campaign.

and as a missouri fan, you would know hot garbage when you see it. thank you for your insight.

“can people actually come up with clear direction on how guys should act”

“the real question I have is was there really any attempt to compare prices from other vendors?”

*Cardinals Offer Gurriel 10 year, $250mil Contract*

cleveland deserves the browns they have.

this is the hill they’re willing to die on: micro-critiquing fucking cereal boxes for retweets and self-gratification while the actual racists continue to gerrymander themselves into power.

taxes [for the wealthy] go down -> user fees [for everyone else] go up

what’s your point? you can’t draw attention to a humanitarian crisis unless you previously acknowledged the litany of problems prior to that crisis?

chicago resident telling us which narratives they’re sick of hearing about...

so he totally left the caps lock on after writing JFK...which is why FILES is the way it is...further proof he doesn’t read anything, even his own filth. i doubt he’s even glanced at these documents, let alone understands what they contain. what a reckless shitbag.

wow. that’s so cool. living a stagnant life is so edgy.

if government couldn’t do either, the american (and by default, global) economy is at the mercy of a highly volatile market where there are no mechanisms in place to stop the bleeding if things go south (see 2008).

taxation is theft in the same way that the grocery store steals my money when i need food. taxation is the price you pay for society. sucks, but thems the breaks.

white heel wears white heels

“I don’t want to talk about the smell of shit anymore”