
said it before, but if your biggest problem in your life is how much you’re paying in have no legitimate problems.

being pressured to do something you don’t want to do is horrible...right ben?

Now playing

As an aside, that comment about laughter is so meaningless. I don’t perceive laughter as a yes. It’s a helpful indicator on whether were on the same page and if our personalities will mesh, but it has to be genuine.

the GOP played themselves. they’re stuck in a catch 22: impeach him and the establishment players will be primaried by his rabid supporters they gerrymandered into power -OR- leave him in power and allow trump to do serious damage to their party in swing districts (if they exist) ahead of mid-terms.

she’s not completely weddings suck if you’re an out of towner. hotels are more expensive, travel is a pain, a long weekend is oriented around someone else’s plans like a forced vacation.

-democrat mayor who’s building a light rail system to nowhere while the streets constantly look bombed out

umm i don’t know it seems like a complete waste of...

right, you think milwaukee would be perfect for FIFA since they’d need to build a brand new soccer stadium specific stadium for the event, use it for 3 games, then never use it again.

that’s the thing, mr cruz: they’re ‘law abiding citizens’ until they start shooting, by then it’s too fucking late.

sure, another britt trying to tell us americans how to act...

Waukesha County

jesus, does that OJ well ever run dry?

america has turned into — or it’s always been this way — a country that’s built on scamming other people, whether explicitly or implicitly. everybody who solicits things from me, i treat as a potential scammer first and a legitimate inquiry second.

sounds like your father deserves the blame more than anybody.

watched that episode (bc norm), the pseudo-christian philosophy shit tim allen was pumping out nearly caused me to stop listening:

this whole segment was a waste of time and resources. do we really need to see an internet comments section come to life? i turned it off halfway through.

if i were at a game with your jolly persona, i’d want to leave by the third inning too.

that’s this site for ya. every minor public faux pas needs to be amplified and broadcast to the world as a borderline crime against humanity. nothing can slide. we have to be miserable at all times.

Hillary Clinton Will Never Understood What Happened

“He was telling us what we wanted to hear”