
the faceless, nameless, civil servants who are quietly doing their damnedest to hold this government thing together while their bosses are trying everything in their power to fuck it up. i respect them.

she needed a story that appealed to people’s emotions that could be used to shut up people who criticize her ulterior motive of lining the pockets of people in her income bracket. people like her are either dimwits or sociopaths. in her case, it’s both.

totally. and the quality of those sports will improve because of the influx of otherwise football devoted athletes.

uh...most premier league games are on saturdays....

“huh...I think I’ll go over there now”

i never understood the diana obsession - particularly in america. maybe i was too young at the time, maybe it was the small town teachers i had at the time or my parent’s friends who acted like their fucking kids just died when the story broke, but there was something odd about a forced public mourning for a forced

it’s possible to be neck and neck with someone who has no neck?

“What if you are the owner of that supermarket?”

“It’s about the tebow games, it’s about the tebow highlights. Let’s show where tebow’s standing. Let’s talk about what’s coming up tonight in tebow’s stool.”

a friend recently said to me regarding these people: “if taxes are the biggest concern you have, you have no legitimate problems”

shocking...people who’s arguments require strawmen believe in strawmen.

“I’m not a neo-Nazi. I don’t belong to a German workers’ party from 1933,” he told the paper. “... I’m a moderate Republican.”

i don’t see how half ass trump reporting (which needs to get done unfortunately because he’s the president. the article quality of which will never be substantive because his content is embarrassing, gutter level nonsense that is driving our national discourse into the fucking sewer) and boring real world reporting

huh...maybe the fucking president should be talking about those ‘real issues’ rather than letting his syphilitic mind type out rambling, incomprehensible tweets and ad hominem attacks against random people who slight him.

nah asshole, false equivalencies, slippery slope arguments, and whataboutisms are the fucking problem here.

and what lawsuit would that be...a private company deciding to not provide a service to a client who is clearly belligerent and purposefully antagonistic?

so a guy who is a chronic bullshitter, liar, obscurantist, and a complete blowhard reads off a script prepared for him as the most tepid response to emboldened hate groups...and you believe him.

identifies herself as a conservative Catholic -> has an affair with a married man

nah, i actually like it when a piece of shit gets run out of town. his rights weren’t violated, the government didn’t crack down on him, he wasn’t arrested. fuck that guy.

“Brown gives an example of swimming in a lake with her husband and making a “bid” for romantic connection, only to be blown off twice with curt answers. Hurt, she said to him, “the story I am making up is either you looked at me while I was swimming and thought, Man, she’s getting old. She can’t even swim freestyle