
what minority population would that be? her own?

take his phone away, get the cameras off him, let him enjoy his put put, let the adults (security apparatus, defense dept, even pence) run the ship for a while

yikes, tweeted on international women’s day too...

rule 1 contradicts rule 3

right, like what’s wrong with being up front and making a donation to the Elizabeth Morgan House the centerpiece of this marketing scheme? isn’t that a good enough reason to donate?

brown eyed girl

oh you don’t want to know how some of us say Oregon...

Just south of Offalaska

La Croix is right next to Oh Clayre

solution: finish it within 7 seconds.

jesus, what’s with people today and missing the point entirely? i’m not here saying people should be having children simply to hit replacement rate...because i agree, the world is overpopulated, limited resources, blah blah blah...we all know that shit.

it’s sad someone needs to obsess over lower class people utilizing the tools at their disposal to demand a slightly better life. i didn’t respond to the pejorative “they’re just cafeteria workers” bullshit. it was clearly a way to marginalize them and discredit their end goal, which ironically, was to be better

from my original post:

“Again, you want to argue that people should just have kids whether they can afford to do so or not.”

“In what world is having children a right?”

that’s the flip side of family planning: people being unable to have children due to implicit social pressures. when it comes to reproductive rights, abortion access gets the majority of attention, but what about the freedom to have children?

came here to make the same ‘move to the country, complain of shit smell’ analogy. glad we’re all on the same page.

it was awful. straight up. i’ve never been more enraged watching a series in july. whether it was fluke hits due to the shift (freese), or bloop hits (cervelli), or the fucking umps calling everyone out at second (santana getting called out when the ball didn’t hit him), or the ump tossing shaw AND counsell in game 2

so don’t push a plan that actually helps people because the democrats suck at messaging.