
...unlike brain cancer, which you’re cool with if it happens to the right person.

yea! because being a vindictive partisan asshole toward something that happened 9 years ago before being a goddamn human is always the right choice!

oh i get it! it’s the disney version of jackass.

opening day of the “insufferable social media posts counting down until the due date” season

or a guest house, or rent it out to some drifters, or an airbnb unit (if you have the space for the tiny house and demand to rent it, which i doubt would exist simultaneously)

He’s on the ballot every day in our hearts

oh shit you’re right, these are totally the same thing.

1) why would anyone willingly unleash this into society. why not devote your energy into developing something with some fucking use to society instead of something that’s 99% detrimental? there seems to be no positives to all...

but we live in a world now where ‘poor word choice’ = FULL BLOWN RACIST!!

oh cool...another guy who’s afraid of people made up in his own head.

who the fuck goes after a no kill dog shelter?

and someone claiming that they’re the victim when all accounts have that person as the aggressor ISN’T bragging/attention seeking/“i want cameras on me”?

“I got the cameras to follow me because I am a black man”. Oh my gosh, just stop it.

i’m sorry this story didn’t end the way you wanted it to.

holy shit you got me! you used a completely unrelated circumstance to totally convince me into feeling sympathy for a dope who willingly went a foreign country with the most hostile regime in the world and committed a fucking crime under their laws. the punishment to which is well documented as being among the most

exactly, he should’ve just said he was a dumb 21 year old who made a silly mistake. i’m sure they would’ve understood and put him on the next flight out of Pyongyang. those north koreans seem like reasonable people.

the real victim is the american public who are being pressured by constant media bombardment to feel sympathy for a guy who did something incredibly reckless. we’re apparently supposed to feel some sort of compulsion or outrage to get international justice for a guy who thought rules within the most ass-backwards

god this guy sounds as dumb, disgusting, and fucking backwards as the conclusions he reaches. fuck that piece of shit. we have a goddamn nation of twats like this piece of human garbage.

As much as you want this to be about race, or politics, it’s not....Why would you bring him into your franchise with all his baggage?

tebow’s political beliefs kept him in the league despite his ability.