
a genuine victim is just that: a victim.

right, it’s similar to your immune system fighting back an infection. in a way, that infection was a great thing because it forces your body to build up an immunity.

i always wondered if people can actually die of embarrassment.

it’s similar to how we treated russia after the war: as bitter enemies and not an incredibly wounded former ally.

all this feminist infighting sounds like the Battle of the Bulge-less

The woman was both were allegedly too drunk to consent, which was noticed by a producer, who’s protests regarding the situation were most likely overridden by a superior, which caused an internal complaint to be filed, which caused the shows production to be halted, which caused the two to view the footage, which

that is plausible hypothesis. judging that the two don’t seem to be mad at each other or harbor any animosity, your guess might actually be true. who knows, maybe they both became aware that producers suggested that they drink more (after already being blackout drunk) and hook up...? i don’t think it’s a her/him issue

oh get fucked... the normalization of violence happened long before the #resistance movement or ‘punching nazis’ isolated incident. this shit was a constant during obama’s presidency.

i’ll slow it down so you can understand: a persons sexual history in a case like this is directly tied to credibility. i’m talking about who’s story is more credible. you’re talking about consent. which is why i said i’m not arguing sexual history and consent, i’m arguing sexual history and credibility.

so describing what she’s literally done on camera in the last season is somehow disgusting?

i’m not arguing that it does. but when her sexual history involves excessive alcohol consumption and video proof of her throwing herself at men while coming close to the “too drunk to consent line”, then yes, it has bearing in the context of this particular story, who was most likely the aggressor, and who’s story is

right, because it’s not like she has a history of drunkenly throwing herself at men while obliterated........

what’s truly equal parts sad, frustrating, and that people on twitter were actually declaring how much mccain was OWNING comey...

or why he’s asking “President Comey” questions...

risch’s questions were such obscurantist, legalese, paper-thin bullshit. there is no way to parse the “i hope you can let it go” comment from comey’s firing. because the former implies intent for the latter.

right, i was just leaving the comey/trump context out of it and just examining the statement on it’s own. it’s a whole separate layer of wrong when applying that to the FBI/executive branch.

  • It’s perfectly normal for a “boss” to demand loyalty of their “employees”

“All hierarchies have this problem with old, corrupt, out of touch, stubborn incompetents refusing to let go of power. It is not unique to the DNC, politics or America.”

it comes down to the national DNC neglecting state legislature and gubernatorial races. they took every post-bush democratic victory for granted, thinking that their reign would go unchallenged because they thought no one in their right mind would vote the GOP back into power. after obama was elected, the DNC sat on

what about using all day at work on monday to go over the weekend’s faux pas, dumb drunk interactions, and jokes that didn’t land? i usually reserve monday morning to break into a cold sweat at my desk, grind my teeth, and tense up over vague memories of awkwardness that come floating by while reminiscing over the