
pedantic, maybe....but if my lawyer wrote “here’s the details” instead of “here are the details”...they would no longer be my attorney. if you practice law, you need a precise, articulate understanding of english language. speaking like an 8th grader is embarrassing.

yea, i’m expecting the bottom to fall out of the brewers this summer. their pitching is so average/bad and their offense can’t keep producing the way they’ve been in the first few months. and - barring injuries - there’s no way the cubs will stay this bad.

i hate the cubs. so idk why you said that. either way i agree. i hope i never see them win another WS in my lifetime.

meanwhile, the brewers and criag counsell are winning games with a bunch of fucking nobody’s on their roster. braun’s been injured most of the year (surprise...) and they’re still winning games.

yeah! i only want my hard-earned money sent to the kleptocrats, oligarchs, and nepotists in my own country!!

The notion of a woman hero is a fine example of women’s eagerness to accept the appearance of achievement without actual achievement.

the media’s response to this is insane. if you need any more proof that trump has these guys on strings, here it is.

i feel the same way. i’ve been told it’s the natural progression of language, how language constantly changes, people who are against vocal fry are sexist/too old, blah blah blah...

i hope they serb a suspension.

not this administration because i know their intentions, and based upon the amount of self-inflicted wounds, they apparently don’t want to get their shit together either.

phew! i was worried i wouldn’t get my daily bombshell report. in my mind, no news is bad news. no news means the investigation has stalled or the administration has gotten their shit together. i want neither to happen.

i’m listening to 1A’s friday news roundup and the guest (fox news contributor and conservative columnist/trump apologist byron york of the washington examiner) just made the following comment:

it’s the same look neckbeards give trump.

also, fallon doesn’t have the wit to be a satirist. although colbert has the best writers in the business, he’s still sharp as a tack during one-on-one’s. he’s tempered that down a bit since going to network tv, but he can still turn phrases like no one’s business. he’s in his own league with that ability.

somewhat related, but you can spot the fox news viewer on nearly every comments section (aka: clogged gutter of the internet). yesterday there were A LOT of middle aged white folk commenting about the murdered DNC worker and a clinton cover-up/scandal...on comey memo articles.

the words “conservative” and “values” should never be used together again.

that’s the part i don’t get either. they got their guy in pence, why put up with this shit?

a guy who can’t throw the ball to first to save his life and has required a personal ‘buddy’ catcher complaining about the ‘softness’ of a position he’s never played professionally on a play that would never jeopardizing his career. shut the fuck up.

because fabricated conspiracies and hyperbolic claims of power grabs involving democrats is apparently more authentic than actual conspiracies and actual power grabs from the trump administration (and by proxy the GOP in congress)

it was a metaphor, quit being so sensitive little guy.