
edit: primaries should read midterms

“they were underestimating the sheer overpowering, visceral hatred of her that has been a cornerstone of the right for my entire life”

thank god AI is 100 years away....

she needs floss.

that’s a naive take.

“lol look how poor they are!! lolz paper plates? gods like zuckerberg deserve only the finest dirt people possessions”

#2 ja rule is organizing it

“They thought, All we have to do is promote it with supermodels, get a couple headliners and promise some luxury Instagrammable experience. But this stuff takes experience and a really professional organization.”

i forgot everything before 9/11 to make room for always remembering 9/11.

i forgot everything before 9/11 to make room for always remembering 9/11.

never use the term sconnie again.

Illinois Packers Wisconsin Cubs fans are just the absolute worst. We get it, you like a different team, we don’t need to hear how you’re a fan because your dad went to Kenosha Six Flags for a weekend once.

and there are A LOT more commuter type schools than there are tiny, backwater, overpriced, snob producing, wealthy, liberal arts schools out there. yet every college campus gets broad-brushed as being as anti-free speech as those regressive institutions. those schools are filled with millennials that give our entire

well, “lots of universities” being 4 year residency liberal arts schools in New England and UC-Berkeley.

actually, after reading what i originally posted, yes, that person is an idiot.

yea...i worded that poorly. i’m a dummy.

i never said i would. i think i didn’t explain myself well in the original post.

...did i say i would run it? i wouldn’t get angry at someone if they jumped into a 5k race that was already overpriced. i wouldn’t feel the same if it were a marathon.

it depends on distance and entry price. bandits for things like marathons (especially new york and boston) are inexcusable. but there’s no fucking way i’m paying north of $50 for a non-charity oriented 5k, sorry.

if i were the dodgers, i wouldn’t care if he has a good year despite this one HBP. right now, i’d rather him take his 1 base than all 4 with 2 outs. my strategy plays less into his hands than allowing a mistake to end up in the seats.