
i don’t get this at all. 2 outs, he’s all over the plate, either come inside on him and brush him off the plate or plunk him in the butt and put him on. he’s literally standing over the plate. that pitch was on the outer half and he pulled it. terrible pitching. great catch though.

born inbred* Ohioan

who’s the ideological purist now?

calls a person a loser while wearing a windbreaker of a different sports team, belonging to a different sport, from a different city, to a baseball game in mid-april in cleveland. yea...the protesters are the losers here...

right, it’s just a caricature that can be easily changed. he’s not making a strong case.

and becoming the tea party of the left is a i remember in ‘10 when the tea party actually WON! something the DNC seems to have a problem doing. maybe getting the energized contingency of your party on board isn’t a bad thing.

his initials tho...

you don’t understand brain injuries, do you?

likewise, if anyone has priority to avoid unnecessary concussions, it’s a doctor.

to paraphrase thomas frank (the only writer on the left who speaks the truth about this phenomenon): the decades long DNC drift toward the professional class, meritocracy, clintonian triangulation in response to the reagan years, and abandonment of the new deal Democratic party has left this country with a center left

everyone has a selling point. the gate agent should have increased the compensation package until they had the available seats. the airline fucked up by not scheduling their crews correctly. the cops should have never been called.

because the only appropriate response the gate agent had to a stubborn and rightfully recalcitrant customer who “should have read the fine print” was to call the police and have his skull bashed against an armrest, dragged out of the plane, and left concussed like a knocked out boxer.

i wish that non-story would go away. the only people at fault are 1) the parents for not knowing the dress code and 2) the person who tweeted out the exchange while not knowing the policy

can’t argue with that, airlines are terrible.

there’s a huge distinction between the two.

my hunch is that they were shuttling them to louisville so they would have someone to fly the plane back to o’hare the next day. i bet the current pilots’ flight hours were maxed out and they couldn’t legally fly until they had a certain number of rest hours. if that’s the case, why not just swap the pilots in chicago

“the GOP wants go keep giving tax breaks to people like the Kardashians”

the way we treat war like a goddamn sporting event is nauseating.

you have no knowledge of the domain, therefore you have no idea what’s “easy” within that domain. don’t get mad at me because you suck at clarifying your thoughts.

well you are commenting on a sports yes, according to everyone who visits and writes for a sports website, this was an extremely easy question.