
you’re basically describing the game of jeopardy in the most end around way possible. some questions are easier for some people, harder for others. this isn’t much of a revelation.

thank you. i did the same thing. the overpowering nerdness, the way she held the clicker, the pilgrim outfit, and the gross thing she constantly did with her mouth. it was just too much.

should’ve taken him literally, shithead. no pity for you.

don’t forget flynn’s rejected immunity plea. seems like they have a big fish on the line and the info he’s offering is already established, and therefore a useless immunity concession. he seems to be the most fucked right now. it’s like he was trying to bluff without any chips while the FBI knew he was holding a pair

along with all the regional hosts who blast that shit into suburbs and exurbs, basically telling people how to think. it’s infuriating that people take ONE person’s opinion about things as fact. it’s even more infuriating knowing that those people work in the statehouses and get all their info from those sources.

if someone retires or quits and their replacement is never hired, it’s equivalent of cutting that position.

she’s not in power. her ideas don’t matter. give up that obsession. it’s not healthy.

adding staff means alleviated workload on existing employees, it means closer scrutiny per application, it means quicker and more effective processing of applications. it’s counter-intuitive, but the best way to reform an agency is to throw money at it. you can retain quality talent, provide more resources to the

thing is though: it’s a fucking dumb reason. it’s not thought-out, it’s not grounded in reality (surprise!), and it’s unnecessarily draconian and counterproductive.

because an adequately staffed federal work force is the cause of a doubling national debt? ...huh?

said she wouldn’t move to DC -> gets office in white house

commenting on the nature of think pieces are actually mini think pieces.

it’s strange that coal country wants those jobs back. it’s all done through mountain top removal, huge trucks, and colossal machinery that requires very few people to operate. that’s the reality. the methods have changed. they don’t bore into mountains any more. they just move the mountain.

and the price for ‘blocking traffic’ is death by car.

it’s dangerous for ONE party involved. i’ve never heard of a cyclist colliding with a car and killing the driver.

i hope this guy’s name is etched in the public consciousness for generations in the most negative way possible. i hope his children need to spend their entire lives trying the clear their name and distancing themselves from this groveling hack. i hope his grandchildren need to answer for his dereliction of duty.

...damn. that’s so cold it’s hot.

hamms is poor man’s classy. rolling rock is drunk by douchebags. they drink rolling rock.

they definitely have a corporate backing, it’s one of the few things they have going for them. the only thing i think of when i hear “golden knights” is some corporate board brain-storming the most generic, least meaningful, least offensive, bland name in sports. if there were ever a corporate team, untethered to any

it doesn’t matter if the are employees. the policy clearly outlines that anyone flying on those passes needs to follow the dress code. it’s an outdated policy, i completely agree, and i think this will force them to reconsider it. but the parents should have known the rules and told them to dress accordingly. the