
the whole story is that some parents thought that company policies don’t apply to them so they inadvertently caused a scene which a bystander construed (without full knowledge of company policy or aware that these were pass holders) as sexism and tweeted out to the whole twittersphere as something to get outraged

exactly. policy is policy. every company has dumb ones, but if you want the perks of flying business class for free...suck it up and put on compliant clothes. don’t like it? buy a full price ticket and dress however the fuck you want.

right, but that is the policy. they were not compliant. hopefully this forces united to change that dumb policy.

the policy is stupid, i agree completely. but it’s policy. the gate agent was merely doing their job.

holy fuck this is a perfect example of knee jerk, reactionary, unnecessary twitter outrage. jesus, we’re all stupider because some dimwit at the denver airport didn’t understand a company’s internal policies. good job internet!

that’s a legit’s a dumb policy, but there has to be a reason why they do it....? more control over their employees?

eh, when i was working in the industry, it never was that strict and i’ve never seen anyone get booted (because they knew the rules). my airline was collared shirt, non-ripped jeans were ok, but no sandals. i didn’t like it, but i thought that was the lowest possible bar to get over. is it that difficult for people

right, this is news to people who never knew there was a dress code for airline employees. the person tweeting about this (SURPRISE!) didn’t understand the fucking policy, immediately saw sexism, and went straight to the rage machine. the parent should have known the rules before she got to the airport.

thank you. most airlines have dress requirements for their employees and their families. they fly free on stand by, but need to follow a dress code in case they get bumped up to business class. it’s an image thing. i personally think it’s stupid, but them’s the breaks.

“You should eat some of what he is having.”

constantly vigilant for something that doesn’t exist: the liberal boogeyman. propagated by loudmouth lunatics on AM radio and FOX’s poisoned their party, and as a result, our country.

here’s how to fix our healthcare system: each district is surveyed to find the coverage belonging to the average constituent (idk how to determine that, but we put a man on the moon so i’m sure we can figure that out). that coverage is then assigned to that congressman and his/her family.

i think his dietary habits are perfect, absolutely no need to change them.

it’s so devoid of any tether to reality. they can’t even prove 100 people voted fraudulently, let alone 3 million, let alone “more than that”.

right, it’s the sanctimonious, always vigil, up-your-ass-if-you-say-anything-mildly-offensive progressives that need to get some perspective. not everything requires an all out rage response...ESPECIALLY comedians.

it’s that ‘frog in the boiling pot water’ feeling...but for a country.

so a place where they stop people from dying and give them a bed to recuperate on? a hospital acting like a hospital?? NO!!! THE HORROR!!!

“occasionally overdose intentionally”

but we’ll have that sweet border wall and those sick new aircraft carriers!