
live by the hack, die by the hack.

Who will the brewers get at DD?

NBC is shit.

can i offer some perspective of your show?

good work rachel. hyping up 2 detail-free pages of a tax return (most likely leaked from the white house to distract from this disaster of a health care bill) from 12 years ago showing that he paid millions in taxes and giving his supporters a chance to say “see i told you he was successful!”

and puked on the grass the following morning to fertilize the potato crop.

i thought he was a dick until i heard that anecdote from a totally unbiased fan. i apologize if you thought i was being sarcastic. i’m genuinely convinced he’s not an asshole. thank you.

oh you met him and he seemed cool? ok, well that settles it then...this guy is no longer an asshole.

more liberal only because of the concentration of democratic voters compared to your rural areas. you guys have one large city and a bunch of cow towns. don’t act like your “state” is more liberal than wisconsin. our rural areas are larger, which unfortunately makes us all look like dumb asses because they tip

i was trying to put those thoughts into words.

we’re living in the golden age of crusty old white guys; all of whom would instantaneously make the world a better place by simply dying.

trump uses the term “fake news” like a child who overheard his parents say a big word that he doesn’t understand and wants every other kid to think he’s smart. so he uses it constantly in every incorrect context, even to adults, like a spoiled loudmouth dumb shit.

scams people -> gets paid -> spends money on personal trainer -> “looks great” -> attributes success to hocus-pocus nonsense -> scams people -> gets paid...and so on

the policy part. Article I.

huh. my bad. shows how unremarkable that division has become since butler bolted.

Just glad to see a team other than Valpo go to the tournament (and lose in the first round) and it’s always cool seeing a school make it for the first time.

i assume you pave your own roads, educate your own employees, maintain your own police force, put out your own fires, produce your own currency...etc.

and i bet you any money those same twats pay no measurable taxes (outside of a pittance of payroll tax and sales tax)...yet have the gall to complain about minorities and illegals taking their tax dollars.

if god created man in his image, he is truly fucked in the head.

“Being indicted is not equivalent to being hypocritical.”