
they’re all hypocrites in the same way that we all pollute. i spit my gum into the bushes sometimes...oil companies spill billions of gallons of oil into the gulf.

ehhhh...they hate the idea of socialism more than the actual policies

lets just see scroll down to the youtube comments sect....ok that’s enough.

i bet she types the same way on a keyboard.

trump’s small thumb can’t reach all the icons, no one in the white house is allowed to flaunt their thumb size. pointer finger for everyone.

oh ffs, it’s a little run at some gallows humor...get a grip.

you should check out this site instead.

“It’s difficult for me to call myself a feminist in the classic sense because it seems to be very anti-male and very pro-abortion in this context

what an incredibly simplistic, naive, and nuance free view of the world. sad!

“This program incorrectly identified a Los Angeles based protest participant as a ‘protest organizer’ in a graphic during Monday night’s telecast. While he was correctly identified in the introduction to the segment, we regret the graphic didn’t accurately reflect his role throughout the segment.”

not sure if you wanna go down that rabbit hole... if the outcome of a miscalculation of concerned citizen is better wages for women, what’s the problem?

i never said they should. i used it as an example as to why it’s impossible to compare the two fields’ wages.

i consider myself a liberal, but the liberal sect pushing this narrative needs to get lost. it’s just not true, especially to the degree that they constantly parrot. the narrative that women make dramatically less than men can be explained fairly rationally without throwing institutional sexism (an all-encompassing,

yep, good luck explaining it to these “liberals” who don’t believe in dialogue because they don’t want to hear someone’s (albeit vulgar) opinion. we need to find ways to disarm, neuter, and logically destroy right-wing demagogues. ignoring these buffoons, shutting down their events, and basically being trolled into

the thing is, there could’ve be enough democrats who thought like him in flipped states who didn’t bother to vote. all while thinking there would be enough -whats the - voters to cover their collective asses and vote for clinton in spite of their personal morals and ideological purity. turns out a lot of

he’s right, there’s nothing untruthful about that post. and you’re right, it has nothing to do with this particular article.

i’m sick of seeing ivanka and her husband at all of trump’s events. she strikes me as a parasite.

right, but that primary challenge could come from the center if nothing is done about trump. it all depends on particular districts and the approval ratings.

i think (hope?) the GOP will realize he’s killing their brand and get impeachment papers going before the midterm elections get into full swing. i’m betting sometime before july 31, 2018.