
i think there’s a missing step in there blaming democrats, unions, or black fathers for failing schools. a tactic to deflect blame and to keep their voting bloc in line.

make america great politics boring again

c’mon sweet sweet rage induced aneurysm...don’t fail me now...

right, to smart people, we would be the dolts.

huh, well it’s almost like their political strategy for the past decade hasn’t been working...’re talking about pragmatic approaches and solutions to the democrats’ clear electability problem in midwest and purple states. this is a place for liberal smugness and condescension, not thoughtful strategy on how to win in these states!

can’t stop anti-union policies if you don’t have reps in state legislatures (see: WI). you can be pro-union, pro-identity politics, pro-blm, pro-choice, pro-anything liberal...but it means fuck all if you’re sitting on the sidelines.

in clutch’s defense, the comment was edited several times, probably for clarification because i thought the same thing when i read the original statement.

love and radio had a good two part podcast about davis as well.

nah, i have a life.

ok dude, you just posted a pic of elizabeth warren in a headdress. if that’s the kind of ‘fact filled’ conversation you’re interested in, then fuck off.

“Creative but substance-less and therefore uninteresting.”

“If President Trump is a madman, then I am a madman. Because he is doing exactly what I want done.”

i think there’s a correlation between money spent on a wedding and the probability that it ends in divorce. obviously i don’t have data to back this up, (since it’s 2017 and that shit apparently doesn’t matter anyway) but to me, spending a lot of money on an extravagant wedding has always come off as over-compensating

i’m not a nuclear physicist, but managing 15k nukes with the possibility of one detonating by accident, negligence, or theft/terrorism seems much higher than managing 3k nukes. but what do i know.


on an related note, did anyone see nordstrom’s stock improve after the trump tweet bellyache? a month ago, i remember seeing news pieces about CEO’s fearing/preparing for potential targeting by trump on his twit machine and how to deal with the potential PR hit they might endure from his zombie followers.

i haven’t seen someone cause that much personal misfortune in Ottawa since the ashley madison leak.


i wouldn’t play for a cursed franchise either.