
his brain was probably damaged long before his elbow.

cursed franchise.

i hate the money pit that cars are as much as the next person, but in a lot of places in this country (pewaukee being one of them), they’re necessary. you can’t get to work or reliably hold down a job without one. how is he supposed to contribute to his index fund without a job?

just like when my car needs repairs, i light the thing on fire instead of fixing it.

why can’t this guy sit on a chair like a fucking adult? every time they show him on dates, he’s side-saddling the chair and hunched over in a strange way, usually with one knee showing like he’s resting his foot on a milk crate. what a dope.

i use it as a audio messaging app. talk while recording a video, send it to a friend... it’s like a personal voice message without the hassle of the apple voice text app (which sucks) or calling someone and waiting to get to voicemail. they can open it on their own time, respond whenever, or not at all.

after all this is said and done, i can’t wait for the christian right to pull the “party of morality” card. bitch, you elected a serial adulterer, thrice married, christian by convenience, bullshit artist who worships himself above anything else. you lost the moral high ground when you selected a guy who mocks

he looks perfectly healthy to me, no need to see a doctor about that anal bleeding, steve-o!

nothing, it’s that county that’s given us scott walker for 6+ years and trump this year. i don’t like that place. 

“we have drugs coming across our border, we have an opioid problem...”

shocking, white boy from wuakesha is boring.

well there’s some hope. you know sane GOP congressmen watch his show...the cracks are showing.

loyalty over competency.

sage steele...more like dumb rubber.

ugh. here we go, down a liberal rabbit hole of ‘holier-than-thou’ grandstanding (seeing it all over my social media already).

so she should fry him? cool with that too.

i sprint marathons.

if the existing process was as ineffective as he is claiming (it’s not), he had over two months to examine it and prepare for an updated process instead of grinding our immigration machinery to a halt. instead of tweeting about crowd sizes, vanity fair, and whatever else came out of that sausage maker he calls a

he huffed and puffed and blew that strawman down