
I’m due with my first in May, so I picked up a book that was supposed to teach me how to nourish my body and bond with my baby for the first forty days after birth. I skipped ahead to the recipes and the very first one was for a placenta smoothie that called for a “2 inch piece of frozen placenta”. So I obviously

And yet here you are, wasting time talking about me talking about her in the comment section.

I don’t know how Lena can still be so thirsty surrounded by all that water.

Whenever I see something from Lena Dunham, it just reminds me that I never, ever, ever, ever need to see anything featuring her and also:

  • “Keira Knightley has seen Love Actually like...20 fewer times than I have.”

You need to lay off your sister.

And the fact is, even if he was a teetotaller until she left him and then went on the mother of all binges and died, that’s on him. Him. Him. HIM.

Its still baseless speculation with misogynistic undertones. Only Bourdain could verify that so we'll never know. There are plenty of real and material reasons to drag Argento. Stick with those.

Thank you. I understand the thought, but after a childhood of being told that "Alcoholism is a Family Disease"  I side-eye majorly after hearing such sentiments. It pissed me off being called sick because of the continuing actions of another person.

A lot of Al-Anon/AA is crap.

“The addict is not the only sick person in the relationship.”

Maybe, just maybe, getting ice cream wasn’t the only thing she did that day? Afaik, there are no laws against getting ice cream after for instance a business meeting

It wasn’t her fault, that being said, I’m still going to insinuate blame." 

Oh fuck that. There is no statute of limitation on when someone can start a new relationship or get engaged after ending a prior relationship.

The people who like to accuse women of being a ball and chain, of leaving men whipped, of being ball-busters...are usually the same ones who in the same breath will accuse women of not doing enough to care for or protect men. Same misogyny, different applications. 

For the love of god, please, can we stop treating Kanye as if he’s not batshit infuckingsane?  Jesus tap dancing Christ, the guy is a fucking lunatic, and every time he opens his mouth there’s like some dissertation on his TRUE MEANING. 

This his opinions are like his music. He samples. He proclaims to be a genius and a free thinker without a trace of irony in that the shit he spews is just recycled white supremacist thought.

Damn I’m sorry the rescues weren’t understanding of losing 2 pets at that age, especially with vet records.

I’d love to know if you own pets Rebecca. Have you, in your adulthood, taken it upon yourself to adopt any pets on your own?