Yeah, considering that Julianne Hough dressed up in blackface for Halloween in 2013, I wouldn’t hesitate to assume that her discomfort owed to (at the very fucking least) racial insensitivity.
Yeah, considering that Julianne Hough dressed up in blackface for Halloween in 2013, I wouldn’t hesitate to assume that her discomfort owed to (at the very fucking least) racial insensitivity.
Michael Buble.
Just a guess, but I think the baby is Cotillard’s.
Sometimes marriages are just done and it’s not a third party’s fault. Unpopular opinion, I realize.
Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.
My work office is abuzz that he supposedly had an affair with Marion Cotillard when they filmed Allied. Which, if true, shouldn’t shock anyone including Angelina, as that is how she and Brad got together in the first place. Seems like his MO.
My mind went to Kiefer’s dad. Not that I want that to be true, I love Donald Sutherland, but I was trying to think of recognizable, plus the right age, plus possible proximity to the Coreys. I would hate it to be true but that is where my twisted brain went.
In his memoir, Corey Feldman said Haim told him someone raped him on the set of Lucas. So I thought of Charlie Sheen (who is in that film), and then laughed because lmao at him being a family man. And then I thought: Martin Sheen...and I was like faaaaaark.
The camera cut from Hiddles over to John Mayer semi-anonymously plunking in the Emmy house band may require a Shade Court ruling.
I didn’t realize it was when McKinnon mentioned her dad. Shit, no wonder she looks upset. My dad died more than a decade ago and I still get jealous/sad during things like the father/daughter dance at a wedding. Two days after he died? If I were her I’d have been in the fetal position under my seat.
I’m sorry, Stassa, but this article basically amounts to, “Smile, it can’t be that bad.”
Flying boobtrusses
I had a full waist-to-chest bra thing with like 40 snaps up the back for my wedding dress. I imagine it’s similar.
I’m guessing the interior of such gowns looks like the architecture of a gothic church, complete with flying buttresses.
More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.
OMG are you me? Are you wearing yoga pants contemplating if 7:30 is too early to put the kids to bed on a Friday night so you can go to bed too?
I have a Phd and I misuse affect and effect all the time. I’ve never had an article not get published because I hit one vowel instead of the other on my keyboard. Are you sure you aren’t being treated like shit because you’re pedantic?
I work at a research institution and edit the work of people with PhDs for a living. Everyone is shitty to me because I have a BA, meanwhile I work for a guy with two doctorate degrees who doesn’t know the difference between “affect” and “effect.”