Yeah. Fuck that guy. Now we know where the kid gets the entitled, irresponsible attitude.
Yeah. Fuck that guy. Now we know where the kid gets the entitled, irresponsible attitude.
Some kind of Palin name, to be sure
Shit, this breaks my heart.
So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?
I was going to say in response to this Emilia Clarke nonsense that of they’re going to make Bond a woman, it damn well better be Gillian Anderson, but I would 100% be stoked about Gwendoline Christie too.
YES! Page Six now pays unapproved commenters to sneak their links into random comment threads on feminist websites. I’ve made $85,000 working from home, and you can too!
Thank you Randilyn! Me RN:
Never occurred to me before reading your comment o_O
Gwendoline Christie as Bond is an incredibly cool idea.
I don’t know how to insert links into words on my phone, so it’s sort of a low-rent looking Dirt Bag:(
It’s kind of weird, but I like Emilia Clarke as Daenerys and literally as no one else, including herself on talk shows. I mean, she’s probably perfectly nice and all, but it’s like that silver-blonde Khaleesi wig magically confers charisma and a modicum of talent on the lady, because it’s not really evident anywhere…
Woo I own a vintage Dior turban! I’m finally fashionable!
I’m just here to give you props for “Westerosi Ghost Rider.”
The Pacific Ocean doesn’t care about you. Can a bacterium “marry” a human? Can a butterfly “marry” the wind? No. The difference in scale- both size and time- makes it impossible.
I think the sic is the author of this article indicating that it was misspelled in the Deseret News article.
You’re not kidding. Mr. Werner is a keeper because he gets up a few minutes before me every morning to check my tire pressure and oil. I don’t need a damned island. (I could use a less shitty car, though.)
A midlife crisis is about a so much more than a younger woman and a sports car although those are often the obvious symptoms.
Generally, people who make grand, expensive gestures are the worst at actually doing the hard, unglamorous work of making a relationship work.
Men will ruin their LIVES over their dick. Their family, their career, there it goes over some tail. Some men, all the think about is their dick and what it’s doing.
JDepp be like: