
This read like a article in an anthropological journal about some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. 

we don’t get to see his brilliance

I’m a Bears fan, I only drafted kickers


At least this article ended on an upnote with the reminder that Bob McNair is dead

Sean Rodriguez is a career .226 hitter. I don’t think his funk has anything to do with Philly.

I’ve never understood that viewpoint.

The Detroit Lions are sore losers even in articles where they aren’t the topic. Now that’s on-point marketing for you.  You can’t buy bad publicity like that; you have to charge for it.

It worked out last time for the Lakers and Dwight!

As one of those sewer trash, I can confirm that I’m now able to achieve climax to a photo of a Raiders helmet.

Whatever standard they decide on, I just hope it’s reviewable.

It’s almost like it’s not really even about abortion. 

That would require they remove the cognitive dissonance plank from the political platform, and that's a frickin' wrought iron I-beam down there.

Can we just tell the Confederacy that they won and let them go? 

Clemson just put up a billboard with 19,001.

What kind of adult man doesn’t cook and clean? Hell, what father doesn’t care for their baby? These weirdos must be teens

Why would the “Unload Dryer” button and “Stir the Pot” buttons be in close proximity?  I would be stirring the dryer and unloading the pot all day.  If you’re going to take the time to create and post something, at least look at it and see if it makes sense.  

Honestly though, why give the negative reactions the whole article? This should be an incredibly positive message, and yet we’re focusing on a tiny sliver of the population because they are being loud and toxic. Since they’re probably doing this for attention, maybe it would be best if we shine the spotlight elsewhere?

Can they make a dude one with buttons for “can’t hold a job”, “got fat as shit”, “erectile dysfunction”, “bald at 30", etc?

Ross’s response is interesting to me because its that same kind of detachment from reality that you might find in a NYT comments section after a particularly deplorable Stephens/Douchehat/Brooks column where some poster named Bill from Islip is saying that he “deplores everything that trump stands for” but if the