
Elections?  We elect our officials.  We have TWO bad choices and China has one.  So there.

Kinda. LeBron coming out and lambasting China for their authoritarian rule wouldn’t even be acknowledged by China. It’s meaningless.

Lebron is a basketball player, not a champion of universal social justice. Why anyone would get upset about anything he says about any topic amuses me. He does not make social or political policy at any level and anything he says should be taken under that umbrella. The president? Supreme court? Pay attention to them

Didnt kapernick get a big settlement check from the NFL on the collusion case, when he could have pursued it to the end to put the NFL in a position to lose it’s antitrust tax exemption? He may have more character than LeBron, but don’t think for one second he wouldn’t trade money for principles, which he did.

Yes, I’m sure aliens, who have clearly mastered hyperspace travel, advanced space flight, and a level of stealth that humans are thousands of years away from mastering, are super interested in draining the blood from cows and cutting of their genitals. That’s what they REALLY want to do. Traveling the cosmos and

The coach didn't want to draft Haskins.  Upper management did.  

A well thought out response, and you are right. However, I would argue IT WAS ONE YARD. It shouldn’t matter what the defense formation is, unless you concede Rodgers (and the offensive line) can’t push the ball 4 feet forward.  Your analysis would be better served for pretty much any other situation on the football

What does this have to do with the article

He's still not shooting it right.  Still pushing the ball and doesn't get the ball high enough on release.

What?  Throwing a ball up for grabs because there isn’t a better option doesn’t make a QB g

The NFL already paid him money to drop his collusion case, remember?  He had a chance to really turn the screws on the ginger hammer and he choose to take the cash instead.  Can’t blame him, really, but bringing up his name is useless at this point.  He got his money.  You shouldn’t feel bad for him.

Sounds like somebody is gonna be named captain!

There is no place in our current understanding of mathematics or logic that this would be a good call. If, for some reason, you believe you need two scores in regulation (you don’t) to win the game, and one MUST be a TD, there is literally no better chance at getting that TD when you are one yard away.  The coach

Failed two point conversion (17-16) or a TD with XP (17-17) are two pots in two different universes.

We are all dead, and this is our hell.  I’m not sure what I did in my previous life, but it must have been a doozy

Even if she did have the power to walk away and didn’t, what you are implying is that by the third time she was “asking for it”.  And BTW, if you are a victim of a crime that would inevitably be a “he said, she said” case in criminal court with little chance of winning (even if the person reported it the day after it

Am I missing something? 75 grand is a money grab? There is no way that 75 grand is worth having your name dragged through the garbage that is social media in America, never mind the counter-suit and, worst of all, being forced to *shivers* talk to Roger Goodell. Uhg.

Here’s how: dude is broken.  I don’t know him from Adam, but the small glimpses into his life I get I see broken.

Aldan, almost certainly

Tough to crack?  Army threw the ball 5 times.  Not hard to ascertain what Army was going to do on offense, methinks.