
It took me a minute to realize those were two photos side by side, and not one photo showing one Thunder player doubled over in ball pain while a rampaging Green kicks another one in the balls right next to him.

Velasquez was playing in left because the Phillies had used up all their available pitchers and position players in previous innings, as tends to happen in extras.

Gettin runned over counts as adversity these days. Millennials, I tell ya

If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball!

You’d think someone with a giant ass and infinite wealth would be better at picking out baked goods

How long do you think they kept a straight face when they told him he got traded to New York?

Yes, it probably would have been just as effective to let Phillip Rivers spit in his drink.


Yes, the voice acting is HORRENDOUS but the writing is just as bad if not worse. From the terrible names (seriously, Frequency Vibrations??!??!?) to the annoying Fellow Kids references to the just plain annoying side characters that they felt compelled to add into the game, everything about MyCareer’s plot is

Man, these Mexicans are showing up everywhere.  Now they’re taking jobs away from hardworking black gangbang workers.

Good thing he just broke a kids arm instead of kneeled for the anthem.

One of the few guys who’s name fits them reversed. Take a good look at this dude and tell me he doesn’t look like his first name should be Dudley

I’ve been oscillating between being so anxious about having Butler and Westbrook on one team that I desperately need several drinks, and thinking “well shit we would have Westbrook and butler and that’s much better than what I thought for the next five years”

This is all fascinating to me. And I truly hope to see the Rockets find a way to land him, if only for the pure insanity of watching Harden, Westbrook, and Paul play and interact together.


We also lost Danny Green to the Lakers. It’s fine. We’re fine.

You can only trade every other 1st Rd Pick right? So The Clippers, unless they already own future 1sts, will be trading theirs to the Clippers until like 2030? 

A lot of the teams have pretty defined valuation systems for picks, so they can say X pick is worth Y dollars or wins or Units Of The Process whatever and set their protections based on that. It’s pretty silly, especially in the NBA draft, where everything past like the third pick is basically a crapshoot in most

Kawhi Leonard will not take any meetings with teams today, as he’ll ramp up the process over next couple days, league sources tell Yahoo Sports

I’m fully expecting games two through four of the series to be postponed after tonight’s game ends 1-0 on Thursday afternoon after 46 innings.