
Parker’s career has been such a struggle because of nothing more than rotten luck, and all NBA fans should want him to succeed.

Yeah otherwise it would look ridiculous

Nevermind that last post.  I looked up the rules of compensatory picks and it’s extremely confusing and convoluted.  Surprising from the well-oiled machine that is the NFL


Man, if you look up ‘creepy fuckers’ in the dictionary, those are the pics you’ll see. A little on the nose there guys, with the evil lifestyle choices.

It is entirely possible all of this is a blip, that the Jaguars offense will return to being merely mediocre, and that’ll be enough for another deep playoff run.

Some people just want to watch the world burn

Thanks Phil!

This reminds me of Kobe Bryant’s Kaufmanesque performances at Lakers’ practices during his retirement tour when he laid into the ghost of Carlos Boozer and the waning seconds of Linsanity during practice, and called them “soft as f***ing Charmin.” Man, I miss Kobe. In any case, Jimmy Butler is very quickly mastering

Who the fuck is Told Butler?

Or spray painted as graffiti on his shell.

He has the same throwing motion as someone heaving a Molotov cocktail.

Dude. Can you not read? He clearly says “the ice bath at Maryland is a 10x10 pit with a 20 foot drop to the water level.”

Legit point. And as a U of M grad, I can attest to the fact that they keep all their spare crocodiles and piranhas at the bottom of that same same bath. Good on them for looking out for the kid! 

Nice of the team to let Homeless Conor McGregor answer some questions.

White MEN, not people. Women need not apply.

He’s got the same look as a man whose wife is just about to find out that he emptied their joint account for a “once in a lifetime investment opportunity!”

he doesn’t understand the nuances of the NBA salary cap/tax structure.