
I work out at a gym with a bunch of women who compete in various sports. They are very progressive, but on this issue they have a really strong opinion that it isn’t fair to women to allow people who went through puberty as males to compete with women.

I also think we need to listen to the lived experience of female athletes who have competed with transwomen and not kneejerk dismiss any concerns as transphobia or terfdom. It is worrying to me how there can be no challenging whatever the party line is on trans issue, a party line that has changed rapidly in the last

I’ve uses spazz for years and didn’t know it was a derogatory term towards disabled people until last year. It certainly doesn’t hold the same weight in american english as in british english.

Voting for fascists to own the libs is a real look.

I love She Hulk, especially the more recent runs, and she has never been super jacked. I really wish they had just gotten a tall, muscular actress and painted her green instead of the uncanny valley CGI.

Not to mention the tomb raider reboots, while awesome games, likely didn’t sell a gajillion copies.

I think being a serial sexual predator means you don’t get any awards again for the rest of your career. Tons and tons and tons of comedians and actors are ignored by the establishment. He can be one of them. I don’t think that is too much to ask or too onerous. How hard is it for these committees to not give awards

Yeah. Rock was making fun of a very rich, very powerful woman. That’s the whole fucking point of the oscars and globes - to make fun of the rich and powerful. I didn’t see DiCaprio punching amy schumer because she implied he fucked younger women, or Sorkin punching her because she said his movie wasn’t funny, or JK

I think since 2018 I’ve just grown suspicious of and dissatisfied with identity politics in general. There was a candidate for a local election in 2019, and literally the only thing about her in her campaign materials was her identity as a queer black woman. Nothing about her qualifications for the role she was

I was looking for advice on how to do a tricky Excel formula, and found a site written by a 50-60s white dude on Excel tricks. He had a host of other similar entrepreneurial webpages, including a whole bunch of prepper ones and things about collecting silver for when the “globalists” tank the economy. So the same dude

my parents who were lifelong smokers switched to lozenges and that works for them. We don’t really know what is in vape liquid or what the longterm effects of using it are, and I have zero trust in the companies like Juul to look after the best interests of their customers. Also, from my observation, pre-vaping I

From my understanding the illegal market in CA is three times the legal market because it is expensive and challenging to open and run a legal business. States like CA are killing the golden goose by taxing it so high.

This was my question. I get not loving hearing that word, but what hip-hop are you listening to that doesn’t have it? Post Malone?

I am on old white guy and longtime hip-hop fan, and I am starting to have a harder and harder time with the racial and gendered slurs in the music. Irregardless of the politics of it, it’s really harsh language, and not the kind of thing I always want to be surrounding myself with. I think it is understandable for

yeah, this gets a big sfw from me. he did something gross and insensitive 20 years ago. He apologized. What has his record on muslim immigrants during his term been? How has he engaged with canadians of middle-eastern ancestry? I don’t care that much about some misstep or shittiness he did a jillion years ago. Also,

Have you read the NITW folks statement? They knew Holowka was abusive and erratic, they just didn’t know the extent of it. Once they were made aware of just how abusive he was, based on multiple accusations that were credible because of what they themselves witnessed, they decided that they couldn’t keep working with

Yikes, that post.

“If you are deeply certain you are morally right all the time you are eventually going to do something awful.”

My understanding was that the people sick from vaping got their kits at discounted pop up type places. and it was mostly weed. but maybe that was a different outbreak.

So when the government shows up with their tanks and helicopters and drones and battalions, is your stockpile of guns going to help? The purpose of the 2nd amendment was not to have americans fight against the american government.