
It is ludicrous that he could believe he can somehow get his fellow conservative justices to back him on overturning same-sex marriage and birth control, but not interracial marriage. I mean, has he MET Amy Barrett? That white conservative christian woman is exactly the type of person to decide that Loving v Virginia

well there you have it. precedent is meaningless and SCOTUS is just another branch of the legislature, one concentrated to minority rule and zero accountability.

Thomas is just saying out loud (or, well, in writing) what the rest of the SCOTUS right wing is thinking. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear that he actually checked in with them and organized the opinions so that they could claim to have only addressed the case at hand while Thomas sends a message (on behalf of

Because a biologically female body would not perform well against biologically male bodies, in most sports. On the other hand, a biologically male body will perform very well against a biologically female body in any sport.  

I mean, I guess it’s nice she changed it. Or whatever.

I hate to be that person, but who the fuck cares how tall a dude is, famous or not? Calling 5’8” humble and “not so imposing” is just stupid. It’s not even that short. I mean, if Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan were like 4'9", I’d say have at it, but half of these seem like a stretch. Is there a dearth of Heard/Depp or

what the evangelicals don’t get is that THEY are the breeders of atheists. the conservative household is a perfect environment for little rebels (hi 👋) 

A member of Trump’s administration has an implicitly white nationalist ideology? I’m shocked.

I’ve seen so many responses that are like “Jokes should never be insulting or at someone’s expense!” but... that’s a huge function of (especially political) humor? You can’t punch the king, but you can make fun of him. And while people may be very willing to extend that rule to JPS, I highly doubt they’re going to

The other examples you use didn’t commit their crimes on live television in front of millions of people?   I know you want this to be racist but, shocking I know, not everything is. 

This, this, this.

Jokes at Jada’s expense are also part of her job. It was a shitty joke, but if you, Will Smith, are capable of handling jokes about yourself without needing someone to publicly and violently defend your honor, maybe assume your wife is at least as capable as you are in that regard. 

Because people who identify as super liberal are primarily white. POC as a whole are not as liberal as white liberals think they are

All of this is true but there’s one section that seems to be notably missing which is how a large vocal contingent of the “progressive left” has spent the last four years with what seemed to be enjoyment grinding down any woman in politics who didn’t match their fictional idealised view of them.

Maybe they meant war in the West but even that isn’t correct. There was the Balkans war in the 90s. There are so many baffling hot takes in this piece. It’s truly amazing that they even published it. 

Not a great look to imply that people care about this war more because it involves white people, while referring to a war “in” Boko Haram.

:...but we were once naïve enough to think these things wouldn’t happen in our lifetimes...We were even more naïve to think they almost certainly would not happen simultaneously.”

It’s not Texas — it’s Texas Republicans. There are plenty of Texans who are adamantly against everything Gregg Abbott and work to try and stop him and the rest of the Texas Lege.  They can’t overcome entrenched traditionalism or electoral rules that actively work against them alone, however.

A lot of white men see Asian American women as a reliable fallback option if they can’t get a white girl”
See I don’t think I’ve ever met a white man interested in Asian women who didn’t just find them more attractive than white women. Maybe it’s just the circles I hang in though.