
I agree. I think that video games (and film, and comics, and books) can also provide a way to process the world through some distance. I’ve found role playing games help me IRL because their focus on leveling up/focusing on skills/tackling a to-do list are transferable to real life. I play a lot of adventure games,

yeah, the concern for me is not that a girl/woman would see sexy lara and feel fat and ugly, it’s that her brother would see sexy lara and it would contribute to him seeing women more as sex objects rather than human beings.

Isn’t Halloween basically straight pride?

Jane Foster as thor is fairly skinny, and her costume covers up her bony ass. Portman needs to do some arm work but she should be fine. Why wouldn’t she have cancer? that’s the whole point of the character - her balancing saving the universe and saving herself. I am so, so, so on board for this.

and control of most of the federal government, and control of most state government, and control of most talk radio, one of the major national newspapers, one of the most watched news networks, and many local news networks. but yeah, conservatives really struggle to have a voice.

They do, I just think that power is overstated sometimes. I am all for changing job titles/references to more accurately reflect today’s reality. I’m less convinced that keeping it as “manhole” would really matter, but if you are changing the city code, why not go whole hog. I’m baffled by the sorority and fraternity

Yeah, I sometimes think the left places too much emphasis on language. I’m old enough to have been through many iterations of PC language, only to see the terms change as the underlying racism doesn’t go away. And it also becomes this in-group thing, where the cool kids are using latinx and womxn and global majority

I live near berkeley and read berkeleyside daily. The commentariat there are mostly either the handful of conservatives who live in the city or, more numerously, the many conservatives from outside berkeley who get there when breitbart or fox reposts something. I think for conservatives, “berkeley city council”

Also, it can be hard to know where to draw the line and at one point one just becomes a self-righteous twat. R. Kelly may be a no-brainer, but what about an entertainer who was abusive to a spouse? That’s a lot of them. Or shitty to a spouse? That’s like, most of them. Expecting people to be ideologically pure seems

I was in the Peace Corps 20 years ago and we were essentially told that if we got hurt when we were drunk it was on us and we’d be sent home for violating our terms of service (or whatever). It changed how I thought about drinking, because it made me realize that in deciding to get drunk, I was making myself a

I mean, I think there was kind of a cult around Obama too. The love and adoration people have for that man exceeds his political record. I mean, I like him and all, but the idea that he was some saint and not a politician who gave way too many concessions to the finance industry, whose administration illegally spied

This one is baffling to me because it’s not like there aren’t other gyno’s in the world, or that this doctor had tons of power. What was the university risking by getting rid of him? Did they just not give a shit about the students? Were there legal things that made it tricky to fire him without more proof (although I

This is such a pointless, bullshit argument and it drives me crazy every time someone makes it. If you are trying to counter the conservative, “the only racism is black people being racist towards white people” bullshit, fine, but the idea that people of color can’t be racist because they don’t have the power to be

This. Helping the Daca folks at the expense of the larger number of undocumented folks is a devil’s bargain, and one the daca folks often don’t want. After all, would you want to stay in the country if it meant your dad gets deported?

I’m not saying tambor didn’t do it, but it’s not hard for me to see how he could feel the set was toxic politically, especially being a straight cisdude playing a transwoman. I think the politics around trans issues in liberal circles are often kind of toxic.

It’s weird that a group that thinks the Nazis were right and that people of European descent are biologically superior has bad logic.

I’m just stoked that all of us are so up to judge someone’s character based on an anonymous revenge porn article on a shitty blog. There is something amazing about the surgical detail to which people are pulling apart the language used to describe the encounter by grace.

I really enjoyed beyond two souls. And I’m really looking forward to far cry 5.

I’ve seen that same thing among liberal ladies, often expressed in their attitudes towards the groups that they feel are making it hard for their kids academically. Someone who is all for peace and justice becomes super racist when it comes to poor black kids coming to their son’s school, or the asian kids screwing up

The problem is young less conservative white people keep becoming old conservative white people, which means that older, conservative voting block doesn’t budge so much. If we were going to age out of racism it would have died centuries ago.