the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”
How selfless and incredible of this woman to share such a painful, heartbreaking yet insightful story. So much love going out to her.
I was accused by a college professor of having a writing style that was too chatty. Apparently my love of romance novels from the age of 12 was to blame. At least my vocabulary was exemplary!
Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.
You don’t know what you are talking about. The most profitable cows are healthy clean comfortable cows. Cows produce more milk when lying down because blood flow is increased to the udder. Cows prefer to lie down in clean spots. The best bedding system used for cows is sand, which is also very good for milk quality…
Technically it’s not her religion that failed her, it’s the assholes she’s stuck with. And I think it could be argued that the Duggars failed their religion rather than religion failed Anna. Let’s put the blame where it belongs: on those psychopaths. And I’m saying this as a devout agnostic.
For real though. I’m grateful I ended up with my specific shitty life instead of her shitty life.
I feel such sadness for her. And while I know she probably has relatives who live close by who could help, I know that caring for four kids on your own while your husband goes to “counseling” has to make you feel totally overwhelmed.
I pity her, she’s been raised not to see or know about the very real options she has.
I learned about evolution in my Catholic school. It’s a fucked up thing, when the Catholics are more progressive and enlightened than you. (Not you, but the school...) Jeebus!
Oh mannnnnn! I managed to stop biting my nails about two years ago - I’ll still chew them off if I’m stressed out but the impulse to gnaw compulsively that they had plagued me for 30 years has finally worn off. Anyway, they were crazy weak so though I wasn’t eating them anymore they were still really short because…
Yeah, if my kid is “too sick” to go to school, then he is too sick for anything other than lying on the couch and maybe putting some cartoons on. No computer or Kindle. No playing Battleship or Uno with mom.
I cannot WAIT until my youngest is old enough for me to bring a book. OMG. Heaven.
Parents are damned if you do, damned if you don’t in so many ways. Being on your cell phone in order to conduct the normal business of being an adult means you are “tuned out” of your child’s life, uninterested in their interests, personalities, and emotional health. Being completely focused on your child means you…
Yeah, not every single moment is a “quality time” moment.
Im with you. I’m a server and this story makes it sounds like he just flat out lied, which is horrific. I hate shitty tips and will certainly give you the service your tipping and behavior deserves because I have plenty of great customers that I don’t need to deal assholes. But I would neverrrrr steal from customer or…
I’m a good tipper, but I’d be steamed if a server was presumptuous enough to add his own tip and then lie about it. It was likely a reaction to the waiter’s 1) presumption and 2) lie that he expected the servee to accept without question.
She has five films coming out between this year and next. Some of her roles have (Powder Blue, Rules of Attraction) have been offbeat and interesting. Biel is also only 33; if she wants to go back to school and get a Phd in theater studies or math, or take up marathon running, volunteer with the Red Cross or whatever.…
Well it’s not like they were going to pair him with Paula Deen.